The Interview

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Kara's POV

I walked into Catco and sat at my desk pulling out my laptop and was about to open it when it was slammed down in front of me almost smashing my hands.(which would really hurt because of her powers)

"I need you to do a piece on Lena Luthor and I need it by the end of the end of this week I already set up an interview for today grab your things your interview starts in 30 minutes." Snapper said before he walked away. Kara grabbed the things she needed for the interview and put it inside her purse. She walked into L-corp slightly nervous about interviewing the most richest person in Central City. What if she doesn't want to talk to me or has to much work to finish.

When I walked inside the office, I. Saw the most beautiful view ever.

"Hello, you must be Ms.Danvers"

Lena's POV

"Hello, you must be Ms.Danvers." I said getting up from my chair and walking around my desk, I stuck out my hand for her to shake but it took her a moment to respond to the gesture."Absolutely beautiful." She whispered. "Excuse me?!" I said lifting an eyebrow and smirk. "I-uh you must be Ms.Luthor. "Ms.Danvers said with a wide nervous smile.
"Its nice to finally meet, Cat has told me a lot about you but she didn't tell me how cute you are when your nervous." I said getting closer and lowering my voice into a suggestive tone. "How flattering." She said lowering her head to hide the blush. "So, shall we start this interview?" I said enthusiastically and she nod her head in confirmation to the question.

Once the interview was done I gave her my work number. "If you have anymore questions feel free to call me when every you like." I said handing her the card with me number on it. "Thank you Ms.Luthor." she said with a bright smile. "Please call me Lena, if you want there's a gala tonight its for my next big project I'm working on your gladly welcome to come I might give you some details tonight." I said giving the reporter a wink making her become flustered." I-I'll be there she said walking towards the door acadientally bumping into it after she left I chuckled and thought to myself. 'She's the biggest wonder I've ever discovered' I was about to sit down behind my desk when I heard the door behind me open. "I see you've made a new friend." said the person behind her. "Long time no see mother." Lena said slowly turned around to see her mother leaning against the wall. "You seem a little bitter today, thought your little guest would cheer you up a little." Lillian said walking over and sitting on the couch, Lena was about to call sercurity when she was interrupted by her mother. "Before you call sercurity  I wanted to inform you that your ex is back, hope your not ." she said walking out the door and closing the door behind her. 'Right when I thought my day just got better.' Lena thought to herself and finally turned around to sit back into her her seat.

"So how did your first interview go?" Alex said grabbing a beer from the firdge. "It was pretty good." I said looking down at my phone, I was so distracted by my phone that I didn't even realized that  Alex walked behind to look over my shoulder to see who I'm texting. "Wow...Lena Luthor she's a new one." Alex said interested in Kara's conversation on her phone. "You know I hate when you do that." I said slowly lifting my head. "Yeah, that's why I do it." Alex said walking around the couch to sit on it. "So what's so special about her?" She asked before taking a sip of her beer. "Well when she's super focus she flips her hair to the other side of her face, or when she smile her face lights up and-" before I finished my sentence I looked up and saw my sister giving me that knowing smirk with her legs crossed." What?!" I said confused but slightly blushing." Nothing it's just...I haven't seen you like the this in a long...just so happy." Alex said looking at me with loving and joyful eyes. "Well I am happy...I just feel this big doopy grin on my face that just wont go away." I said while thinking about Lena. "Well as long as your happy I'm happy, just be careful you don't know what Lena Luthor is capable of." Alex warned me. "Alex, Lena would never hurt me she's not like the other Luthors she's different." I said trying defending her. "Okay...if she makes you happy then I'll try my best to get along with her." Alex said nodding my head. "Does that mean when you meet her you'll be friendly?" I said excited. "What do you mean 'when'?" she asked suspiciously. "I kinda told her she could come for thanksgiving when I texted her." I said scared of her reaction. "Kara..." Alex said  in a dangerous tone. "C'mon Alex, she's never had a normal Thanksgiving I didn't want her to alone on the hoilday's ." I said hoping she'll approve. "Fine but I can't promise no smart comments." Alex said point at me. "Thank you." I said pulling her in for a hug. After we watched a movie me, Alex decided to go home and I went to bed.

 'Can't want till Thanksgiving"

Sorry the first chapter is so short I had a bit of writers block lately but, the next chapter will be better💙😊

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