I've Swallowed the Iron Moon

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For Huxloween 2016, Day 14: Vampires.

Note: I've altered the ending of TFA, so yeah, head's up. Also, I didn't write traditional vampires. It's a Star Wars version. (Vampires! In! Space!)

Cover art by first-disorder on Tumblr:



Hux stared down at the blood-soaked face of Kylo Ren. The blood glittered like a ruby in the dimness of the command shuttle. He could smell the hot metallic tang of it in the air. He breathed in deep the rich, fervid life that oozed out of Ren.

He wanted to taste it, lick it all up. He wanted to run his tongue along the cauterized edges of the cut on Ren's face. He wanted to follow it down under Ren's ruined clothing.

The shuttle shook as Starkiller Base imploded behind them. Ren softly groaned at being jostled. Hux shushed him and hunched away from the bare-boned flight crew to smooth back Ren's sweat-dampened hair. Ren turned into the gentle touch, and Hux couldn't stop himself from bending over his errant knight.

The closer Hux got, the stronger the smell of blood became. He shuddered and thought of the small blade hidden in his glove. He could take it out and have a nip--no one would ever know. Ren was too incapacitated to feel a slice of the sharp razor.

But, no, he couldn't. He knew how he got when he didn't control himself.

He busied himself by getting out a pad of gauze and pressing it gently to Ren's shoulder. The red bloomed against the aseptic, snowy-white cotton. Above the gauze, the cut continued up and across Ren's elegant face.

Hux took off a glove and ran a fingertip through the slick blood on Ren's neck and cheek. It was still hot, and Hux brought his fingers to his nose. He sighed in absolute longing. How he wanted--completely, keenly, hollowly. Oh, how he wanted.

He gave in, like he knew he would, and licked his blood-coated fingers clean. He swayed against the edge of the bench that Ren was laid out on. Ren was the best thing he'd tasted in months--maybe ever.

Kylo Ren was smoke, and evergreens, and the stormy ocean, and sweet like the sunshine neither one of them had seen in too long of a time. Bathing all that in a crimson wash, was the iron of Ren's hot blood.

Hux had to have more. He'd find a way to get more. He bent over Ren once more to lowly croon nonsense in his ear. Before he could kiss or lick away more blood, the co-pilot announced that the Finalizer was in range.

Hux wanted to curse and rip the pilots apart so he alone could float through space with Ren and his heady blood. Instead he straightened up and got another gauze pad out, placing it adjacent to the bloodstained one.

He wasn't sure how he'd get more time with Ren in the med bay before his wounds were closed up, but he'd find a way.


"I do not doubt your abilities, doctor. However, I want to see him through this," Hux stated.

"You'll need to scrub in, sir," the doctor, Merks, replied.

"Fine, get the supplies."

The professionals went to work finding him scrubs, booties, face-mask, and the proper cleaners for his hands. While they were busy, Hux closed the curtain around Ren's bed. Ren was still in and out of consciousness, and Hux knew he didn't have much time to indulge.

Iron Moon | Kylux | Kylo Ren x Armitage HuxWhere stories live. Discover now