Love Is Just A Bloodsport

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Note: For Huxloween 2019, Day 30: Vampires.

Note: Now for Kylo's POV.


"You are to bring General Hux before me," Snoke said from his throne in the middle of the receiving room.

Ren kept his gaze lowered and tried to swallow around his suddenly too-big tongue. The room shrank around him. The dry air was stifling. The quiet of the barren city beyond the walls of the citadel was deafening. He tried to focus on the task at hand and not the why of it.

Snoke sensed his growing alarm anyway. "There are lessons to learn from this situation, my apprentice."

"Whose lessons?"

"General Hux's and yours." Snoke went on without prompting, "Attachment, distraction, self-importance, ambition, the disregard of orders. All these things undermine that which I have nurtured over the years."

"How am I to learn this lesson?"

"By coming to the realization that you— both of you —are not above your Supreme Leader and master."

"Shouldn't that be a lesson for the whole First Order?"

Snoke hummed in contemplation. "Make an example of the general? That could be useful."

That wasn't what he'd meant, but he could work with it. He could poke holes in Snoke's logic. He had to. Hux's life was on the line, and the thought of him dying now was unthinkable.

He finally looked up at his master. "Even when he led the attack that ended the Resistance?"

"It is because of that fact. The war was just beginning."

He didn't understand. Starkiller had been a decisive blow. It had been a quick strike. The war was supposed to continue on like that. Even with Starkiller gone, the First Order had a fleet that could destroy the Resistance. Or any uprising.

"How can the First Order rule when chaos reigns?" Snoke asked. He answered his own question a breath later: "The Resistance was a rallying point. It was giving hope to the galaxy. It was supposed to pull it all together." He made a fist, demonstrating the galaxy uniting. "Everyone was to pin their hopes on those pathetic terrorists. And once they did that—" He dropped his fist to the arm of his throne. "The Resistance was supposed to be crushed once and for all. With their defeat, the last bastion of hope would be destroyed. And then, we would rise."

He nodded. "Bringing order out of chaos."


"But General Hux took out the Resistance before that could happen."

"Arrogance of the highest order," Snoke agreed.

He knew that wasn't true. Hux had been scrambling to secure his place after the fall of Starkiller. Snoke had been silent during the last battle, going so far as to deny Hux's comm requests. Snoke had let Hux tie his own noose.

Snoke rose from his seat to tower over him. "We shall deal with General Hux. I will demonstrate what is done with rabid curs in the First Order."

"I can handle him, Master. Let me do it front of everyone on the Finalizer."

He then felt Snoke shuffling through his thoughts. The weight of Snoke's presence in his mind brought him to his knees. He grunted as they smacked the stone floor. He thought of running his saber through Hux's chest like he had with Han Solo. He ignored how it would pain him. No, he corrected, he wouldn't do it like Solo. He would get Hux on his knees, hold him by the nape of the neck, and press the emitter right over his heart.

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