Date Night Pt. 1

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Short lil chapter, I popped this one out before I hit the hay, hope you enjoy. I'll be making 3 or 4 parts of date night, but we'll just have to wait and see. And always, luv you all, I'm addicted to you're supportive comments and votes like a drug, and take care all.

I was getting dressed for my date with Aang tonight, when Sokka came barging into my room, and I was only in my bindings letting out a loud shriek, and put my dress in front of me, at least it was some kind of cover.

"Agh! Katara!" He said, whipping his forearm over his eyes, "Aang is waiting for you, so do me a favor and shut your boyfriend up! Please, just hurry a bit, sis," I glared at him, as he turned around and walked out the door. I put on everything, dressed head to toe in very fancy attire. I looked at my reflection, and it looked exactly like how I wore it earlier. I then stepped out the door, making my way to the living room.

"Hey, Aang, how do I look?" I said, as a blush crept onto my cheeks when I saw his eyes scanning me. I tucked my hair behind my ear a bit shyly, giving him a sweet smile as I admired him as well. He was wearing his monk robes, the same ones he wore on special occasions, with the necklace and poncho. He looked very handsome, and if I say so myself, very hot and sexy, since he has grown from the short little boy he was when I first fell in love. Oh, how that payed off so much, especially now.

"I-I.....Wow....." Aang said, as he blushed 5 different shades of red, rubbing the back of his neck. It was a nice feeling to have this effect on Aang, and it seemed as if I could do it whenever I wanted. Granted, he could do the same, and our dominance always flip-flops. I stared down at his crotch, and saw the huge bulge in his pants already forming. I just giggled, placing a hand over my mouth as I saw Toph staring at his bulge as well, on the couch beside him. I know she can't see, so she must've felt it throbbing or something.

"You're telling me you've tamed that beast, Katara?" Toph said to me, pointing to the general way of Aang.

"With gusto," I said to her, as Aang hid his face in his hands, walking over to me and burying his face into the crook of my neck.

"Jeez, mad respect to you girl. Have a nice night, by the way, you two," Toph said, walking out of the room and I heard creaking of wooden stairs.

"Really? With gusto, huh?" Aang said, taking my hand in his, as we walked out the door.

"I don't know, I was just fucking with you to Toph, you know. I mean, I wasn't wrong at all!"

"I know, I'm just really surprised you would say that. Not saying I didn't appreciate it, however. It was kind of hot, being completely honest with you," Aang said to me, swinging our hands back and forth as we talked about things we did over the day, and I quickly realized that there weren't many things to do when I wasn't there except for doing chores and training. We crossed the bridge into Cranefish Town, sifting through the light night crowd as we reached the restaurant I was eyeing earlier.

"This one, right here," I lifted my free hand up to point at the shining silver lettering, reading 'The Whipping Wharf'. "Come on, Aang!" I said, yanking him by the arm as I was eager to finally step foot in this place. We went through the dark blue double doors, as my eyes met the fancy interior, quickly realizing that it was heavily influenced by the water tribes. Still keeping his soft hand in mine, we walked up to the hostess.

"Hi, can we please have a table for two?" Aang spoke up, as the hostess spoke up meeting Aang's eyes, and I could see a special something in her eyes, and it kind of looked like Aang's eyes whenever he looked at me.

"The Avatar? Well, it seems that the word is true, you are the hottest and most handsome man in the four nations," she said, as I saw a blush forming on Aang's cheeks. I could feel a tinge of jealousy swooping in, as I subbed in to the game. I went in front of Aang, bringing our intertwined fingers on top of my stomach, rubbing the back of his hand with the pad of my thumb. I felt his other hand wrap around my waist as I melted into his arms, and I could feel a light nibble on my ear, as well as a kiss on the top of my head.

"Back, off bitch. He's all mine," I said, as we both stared each other down.

"I didn't realize the Avatar was taken, my mistake. The pleasure's all mine, meeting his first girlfriend, Katara, correct?"

"Master Katara, by the way. And also, he isn't my boyfriend," I said as the hostess cocked an eyebrow, "He's my fiance."

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