Unluckily in pain

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I feel the darkness,
I feel the sorrows,
I feel the shame
Cause all it gives me is pain.
Annoyed as I feel,
Disturbing as it cause,
I get hurt thinking about it
And my heart starts to burst.
All I want is happiness,
All I wish is for gladness,
But just a black spot removes it all,
The luck, that I use it all.
I think about people who has everything
And I compare to unlucky me who don't have anything,
Helpless I stay,
Helpless I weep,
Comparing myself with everyone
Who has nothing that I need,
Crying and weeping to God what I want
As I feel so abandoned.
In isolation I sleep,
And in remorse I cry,
But no signs of lucky me
Cause all I do is blame myself and cry.
Different from people as I feel,
Different from appearance as I think,
All I choose is a last-ditch
But it fails me all because of a rough inch.
Happy as I show from outside,
The same opposite as I am from inside
Cause all I do is think of relic pain
And grief is all I gain.
In a reckless situation I get stuck,
In a miserable position I stand,
All I wait is for luck
Thinking about how my sadness will end,
Frightened of what to do next
For my heart feels depressed,
But all I wait is for luck
Where all my happiness are tucked.

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