Bought (pt1?)

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Heeeeyyyyyy- soooooooo ummmm- Yeah- I have no idea if this will be a serious story actually sooooo----


{North korea}

I casually sit in the cprner of my cage and look out at some other cages, they had other people in them, so you see, we're all for pleasure, it sucked but it was a life, we all wanted to just live normal lives, buuut life through us somewhere else, i just waited for someone to break in and just murder us all already, but my mother, Japan Empire, needed us all for money.

The door slams open and i see our "Mother" walk in, she had her fake smile and another person walk with her
"Pick anyone youd like"
The guy was short, but he looked rich, a triangular eye patch with a sun on it, 3 stars on each point of the patch, he wore a suit, he looked around, eyes devoided of emotion, we make eye contact and he walked towards my cage
"I'll take him for 300k."
He just bought me like i was milk at some cheap ass store, but then again i wont be listening to anything he says.


Japan Empire put a collar around Norths neck and gave th leash to Martial, which he hesitantly took, discomfort in his eyes as he looked at the leash and then North, where his eyes lost emotion but a glint of nervousness shined for a second
"Dont worry, i wont bite. Unless you want me too~"
He looked at North with no interest or emotion in his eyes and slowly walked off and dragged North korea with him, he opened his car and let North sit down in the front, Martial started driving away
"So... Not much of a talker eh?"
"No, I just feel not very talkative today, whats your name?"
His voice was layed, as if there was a quieter voice talking in unison to him
"So you can talk, my name is North Korea, call me what ever you want... buyers do it all the time.."
"Okay then North"
North looked at Martial confused, at thr lack of the weird shit Customers did all the time, Martial just kept on driving, not giving mind to if North was staring, he just wanted to go home and sleep.

They arrived at a large manor, Martial parked the car as multiple servents welcome him back, which he greeted back tiredly and changed into something more comfortable and layed down on his large bed
"Tired huh? What did you even do?"
"Work, write, Work,"
"Hm, busy guy i see, you never mentioned your name"
"Oh yeah my name is mar...."
North looked at him confused but just saw he fell asleep
"Do forgive my brother, he hasnt had a proper sleep in a while now"
North turned to see Martials almost identical twin Philipp
"Hi, im Philippines, call me Philip or Phil,"
"Im North Korea, call me North"
"Alright then North, youll have to wait for my brother to wake up, for now you should take a bath or something like that, ill be out"
"Alright, bye"
And with that, Philip walked away and left,
North went to the bathroom and took a cold shower

When will he wake up?


Heeeyyyyyy short chapter i know- Sorry if its to short for your liking- My mind is literally arguing with its self---

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