there goes a legend

288 15 9

Eyo, i made it this far surprisingly-
Enjoy my fellow readies and slayers

                             Martial sat down on his couch sighing, Philip and del left do some errands for him, leaving martial to have nothing to do, sighing once more, je got up to change into some clothing and went on his merry way to the same cafe he went to the first time.

Martial sat down on an outside table again, he ordered a dark chocolate chip frappe with extra whip cream (because ya boi gotta be extra like that-) and read a book, it was about anything you could think of really, but he couldnt really focus on the book, his mind to focused on the 2 dreams he had,
"Mind running somewhere else my dear boy?"
The same old lady from before, martial looked up
"Um, yeah, how did you?-"
"I can see it in your eyes, so tell granny Marrie whats wrong"
martial stared at her for a moment,
"Well, i have to ask you a question about that whole 'tiger legend' thing.."
"aha! So believe in it now?"
"Still skeptical, but what happens when you dream of it multiple times?"
"On the third dream, when you meet, you give the prince enough power to come into the human world as a human temporarly, and you can have free access to their world in return!"
The old lady said,
"When you are claimed as the tiger demons bride, you will have 10 wishes for him to grant before he merges both out worlds, into one mass,"
"But how do you summon him? Is it by goblin standards and you have to blow a candle?"
"Yes, but you can only blow on the flamed candles, and he gives you a special device for it aswell!"
"How do you know all this?"
"My mother used to tell me stories of this a long time ago she was--"
Martial sat there, forced to listen to this womans life story until the very end, drinking his frappe while he did so, he looked up at the sky to see it was mid day,
"Had a fun time chatting with ya miss, but i gotta go"
Martial said, waving goodbye and left, he went along to stroll down the higher parts of the town, hearing a meow and pry at his legs, he ignored it once again, not really caring enough to look down, i just wanted to get out of this nightmare...

The later night

Martial laid in his bed, wearing a flowy sweater large enough to be a night gown, it was a gift from his father, so he naturally accepted,
He missed his father, bjt he was long gone.

They all are gone.

Martial was tempted to not sleep, not wanting to have dreams again, but suddenly, a string of scent laced the air in an instant, it was a sweet and calm, flowery scent, making him dizzy as he felt it wrap around his neck, temping him into a slumber, he cletched his head, refusing to sleep, his brother were both sleeping already, but he refused, not falling for the scent, he covered his lower face, cringing as he felt his scar bit covered his face to avoid the scent, opening he window and taking a deeo breathe of the cold night air, sighing, he saw a dove. and fox.
A nine tailed fox and a gold feather tipped dove,

The fox had a red circle on its forhead, being partially covered by a crown like gem, its tails flowing in the wind like clouds, each a light colour, close to being white, the dove had a light red wing, and the other a light faded aura blue, martial shut the window and walk out of his room, a cloth covering his mouth as leaned on the wall for support, the scent was thick,
"Martial? Are you okay?"
Philip said, yawning rather confused, martial straighened his posture, realizing the scent was gone when philip came, he sighed of relief and toom the cloth off
"Im fine... but i need to tell you something, but DONT call me crazy...."

"So your saying.. its true? The urban legend we've told about were true?"
"....I think so."
Martial looked away
"I honestly don know either, Im just getting these dreams, so far ive had.. 2 but thats it"
Philip looked at him, a shooked gling in his eyes, concern mixed into them, he believed martial, and had alot of reasons to believe him, he sighed
"Youll have to face the 3rd dream eventually Martial, you cant avoid that forever"
Martial turned hus head away, and walked back to his room, sighing and laid down on his bed once more,

The morning martial yawned, and getting up, and went to the bathroom to take a shower, he hadnt slept the entire night, so he needed something to wake him up, putting on some new clothes he looked into the foggy mirror, before leaving, not noticing his shadow was rather different then before...

Drinking his coffee, he put it in a heat proof flask and got on his bike to meet up with brazil, malay and indo,

To be continued

Sorry yall, this is abit shorter then usualy but 200 hundred words or more-

Nortial (North korea x Martial law) stories!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora