Chapter 2

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            He had kept his plan to himself for many days. He hadn't even told his best friend, his father. Ever since his dear mother died, it was his father who was always there for him. He was there through his hardest moments in life, his happiest moments, his scariest moments and his proudest moments. He started to stay with his dad after he lost his loving mom. The mom who he lived with for 15 years. His mom left him when she was shot by a gun at the mere age of 42. She was an FBI agent, who the police came to when they needed help. His mom had been through it all! Through shootouts, raids, and many more! But she somehow couldn't make it through that one shootout. Gale could remember that day like the back of his hand. 

          It was a brisk Autumn morning. The rain was pouring outside, as the forecast predicted. His father had already left for his lousy 9-5 work at the convenience store. His mother greeted him with a large smile and asked him about his sleep. They sat down together on the living room couch. He could still remember that feeling when his mother put her arm around him and gave him a big wet kiss on the cheek. They ate their breakfast in front of the T.V. and watched a cartoon marathon. It was the thing they both loved most. And then came the beep from his mother's phone. With a startled look on her face she got up and headed for the door. When Gale asked where she was going, all she said was work emergency. And with that, she left! A few hours later, he heard a loud knock on the door. Expecting to see his mother who hadn't come home yet, he opened the door! To his surprise he saw a tall officer he had never seen before. The officer's tag read Jones, Alexander Jones. He invited him in and they sat on the couch. He told Gale, "Your mother has sacrificed her life, for the safety of us Americans. I'm sorry to inform you this but, your mom left us". Gale remembers the 1 tear dripping down his eye and then 2 tears and then the waterfall. His father was sorrowful when he heard the horrible news. He began to live a depressed life, and do bad things. He started to smoke, drink, vape, and often get in trouble with the police. Gale on the other hand studied and worked harder then ever. He studied at a top college and went on to a university. He would also help his dad recover from his bad habits, afraid to lose him as well. Gale soon made some smart investments and earned himself some money.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2020 ⏰

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