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He walked along the Worli sea face that evening, and the crows cawed loudly and rather below, the sun falling asleep with every moment pulling the dark above, and the waves climbed and fell again. He smiled and then didn't. The wind bent and struck at him. He could smell the odor of fish, and see the fishermen retreating to the shore, packing in for the day.

He heard a woman next to him, shriek— "it's going to rain! Rain!"

He looked at her, her chin risen and head covered with the edge of her saree tilting backward, eyes slightly open, and a dark smile crawling across her face. A child was holding her hand and hopping with candy in the other fist. A man stood beside her, who looked above too.

There were a few clouds, none conjoined, but rather spread across the orange sky. Rustom glanced at it once, and then looked at the sea again and turned around and began marching towards his family. Responsibility.

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