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Happy birthday to me.. And I'm sorry for the wait... My brain died, for this story, and I got caught up in other stories, and other things...

So, who's ready to return to Shades, and Searcher's, story!


Searcher coughed as his head was pulled out of the bucket of water.

Skeletons couldn't drown, but they could be traumatized by the pain that they went through....

"Well, what is your answer, brat?" Fear asked.

He was sitting on a throne, watching as his minion forced the younger Skeleton's head under the water in the bucket, before he was brought up for a round of questioning.

And this was another round of that questioning.

"I already told you!" Searcher snarled at Fear, as the water dribbled out of his skull. "Fuck... You!"

Fear growled, as his minion forced Searcher's head under the water again.


Searcher coughed up water as he was thrown into his cell, and he slowly managed to crawl over to a corner, to an area covered with tally marks.

He picked up a piece of charcoal, and he used it to add another tally mark to the ones on the wall.

Five months.... He had been here for five months....

He was too tired to crawl over to the pile of straw that acted as his bed, and he closed his eyesockets...

But he had a feeling that he was missing something...


Pregnancy was quickly driving Goth up the wall, skeleton pregnancies were 6 months long, but he pitied the Skeletons on Ser’s side of their Spilt Multiverse, their pregnancies lasted for nine months...

He’d never figured out the reason why their pregnancies had a time difference, but now he was glad, because it that meant that he didn't have to go through an extra three months of waddling around, like an idiot. He was going to enjoy seeing Searcher waddling around like an idiot....

The tiny proto Soul had finally left his Soul and now, it was developing into a tiny babybones.

And with a sigh of relief he sat down, stretching his arms and his legs as he got comfortable.

Which at this stage, was not an easy thing for him to do.

He placed a hand on the large belly of his ecto body, and the shimmering Magic, where his baby grew, was hidden by his clothing, but it wasn't his normal clothing, it was maternity clothing.

And once the baby was born, he’d have to buy new clothes for himself, thanks to the sudden growth spurt that he was going through.

He wasn't going to be as tall as Searcher, but he wouldn't be mistaken for a child.

“Hey now, none of that.. Your Mama needs his rest...” Goth said, as he rubbed his belly, in the area above the place that his unborn child had kicked.

Palette had asked him to marry him, but they hadn't tied the knot... Goth wanted Solas and Searcher to be there...

He was five months along, and they didn't have no clue, or a lead, to the location of Searcher and Solas....

Five months.... They had been gone for five months....

And that one cry, had told them, that their counterpart was in a lot of trouble.....

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