"please..." chapter 5

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*its been about a week since that interview, louis has become distant with harry, one day louis drunk texts harry.*

louis: HArRREHhjhujkil;

harry: lou?

louis: ImiSZ zoU

harry: what?

louis: i miSZ U!ndmw,kl;

harry: i miss you too lou...

louis: I am fuhncmk,slsaASDFREWSX

harry: louis... are you drunk?!

louis: mAaAAAAybE

harry: lou! tell me where you are! ill tell zayn to pick you up!!

louis: nOoOOooOOwejnsk i wanT fOoDdDdD 

harry: okay lou! we can get some food! come on! please...!


harry: LOUIS WILLIAM TOMLINSON! tell me where the fuck you are right now!

louis: OKA dADDY spAnK mE! hARD. HANJKDL im at the PUB       kmqjOS

harry: OKAY LOU, zayn is coming!

louis: ughj[dl;kj

harry: lou! please im sorry!

harry: i love you lou.

 *message wasnt sent, retry?*  


louis: WHEEEEEEE zAyns car SMeLLS goOooOOOoD

harry: be safe , love

louis: OkKOPSAY okAy bABY.

harry: i miss you.

louis: so do Ii

harry: you're just saying that bcs youre drunk.

louis: i SAY the tryuh whern im drubk

harry: thats re-assuring .

louis: i lovre u

harry: i love you too ,louis.

*the next morning*

louis: omg harry... im so sorry!

harry: its fine, it was quite entertaining and, i left some asprin and water by your bedside .

louis: thanks... and, about what i said then...

harry: theres no  need to apologise, you said you say the truth when youre drunk, and im glad you did... because i missed you so much lou, so so much.

louis: i..i know... so did i. 

louis: i might have overreacted, when i said that last week.. i was just afraid, i guess.

harry: afraid? of what...?

louis: loosing you, harry.

harry: *says nothing for a couple seconds, taking it in*

louis: harry?

louis: i shouldn't have said that... im so sorry..

harry: im happy you did, lou. i love you.

louis: harry edward styles, you're the man i love forever, until we die. i love you, so much

harry: ^_^

louis: :* 

harry: but theres one thing...

louis: what?

harry: management, they wont ever let us be together!

louis: oh.. i forgot about that for a sec.

harry: yeah, same. we're gonna have to keep it secret- for now at least... hopefully it wont be long.

louis: same, haz. there will be a point where i cant hold it anymore, it'll just show up, in my lyrics, im falling for you haz. 

harry: you're m golden boy, lou, with you, im fearless and evrythings perfect.

louis: it's always been you harry, why did i try and convince myself otherwise, its always you.

harry: <3

louis: i have to go, liam's calling me for something- oh by the way, i stole your jeans-jacket. >:) 

harry: wait what?

*louis goes offline*

harry: god damit lou.

THIS WAS SO FUN AND CUTE TO WRITE, like im soft now, IM ACTUALLY SOBBING OMG, btw- i included their future songs in here??! like how fun is that. im happy, like so happy! part 6 coming soon!!! love you lots!

loueh x hazzah ~ LARRY TEXTSWhere stories live. Discover now