Chapter Seven | Smoulder

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24 February 1995

Severus had been suspicious from the moment he'd seen Potter use the gillyweed at the start of the second Triwizard Tournament task. It wasn't the first time he'd suspected Potter of stealing potion ingredients. All year long boomslang skin, lacewing flies, and knotgrass had been disappearing from his stores at an alarming rate.

Until now, he'd had no evidence to prove it was Potter. Yet now he had all the proof he needed. Potter had just consumed gillyweed in front of the whole school- the same gillyweed that had gone missing overnight.

Although he should feel furious, he admitted he actually felt gleeful. He was giddy at the prospect of putting Potter in his place. Severus loved to one-up others. He'd find out what Potter was up to. The boy had no business brewing polyjuice potion.

The boy's recklessness also provided Severus with an opportunity to confront Minerva. He'd relish in the chance to confront her about Potter. And at the moment, it was just what he was on his way to do.

He first checked in the staff room where most of the Hogwarts staff was celebrating the recent success of the second task. Both Hogwarts champions had finished in first and second place. Pomona had been especially proud of Cedric Diggory. Minerva was also proud of Diggory, but extremely proud of Potter.

The dual champion situation had caused awkwardness among the staff. Although Pomona and Minerva maintained friendly support for their students, the feelings of animosity were there. Minerva had expressed disappointment with the students' badges that supported Diggory and denounced Potter. She felt he was being treated unfairly for a situation he'd never wanted to be at in the first place.

One Week Earlier

"He didn't put his name in the Goblet," Minerva said defensively.

"The students can support whomever they like," Pomona replied.

"Potter stinks," Minerva went on. "Potter stinks!"

"You have to understand my students feel like he always gets special treatment," Pomona explained.

"And your students need to realize he's still just a child," Minerva said angrily. "He didn't ask for this."

Both Pomona and Minerva stood facing one another. Pomona's face was flushed with anger and her hands her were clenched as she looked up at Minerva. Minerva's lips were pursed and her brow was furrowed as she stared down at her colleague. The height difference between the two women would have made the situation amusing if it weren't so serious.

"Minerva," Charity Burbage said sweetly as she stepped between the two women. "Please know that we all support Potter. But you have to realize how it feels for those who aren't Gryffindors. Gryffindor always gets the attention. The last two years you've won the house cup- at the last minute- because of what many students feel is an unfair advantage."

"You're a Gryffindor!" Minerva said exasperated to Professor Burbage.

"Yes, but you have to see it from an outsider's perspective," the young Professor replied.

"Last year my house worked all year to win the house cup," Filius explained. "We should have won. But at the last minute Professor Dumbledore awarded Gryffindor enough points to give the cup to Gryffindor."

"And the year before, my house should have won," Severus added.

"It's classic Gryffindor," Professor Vector chimed in. "You've always been the public's favourite house."

"Diggory was our chance to shine," Pomona said softly. "Our one chance to be the house on top. But it's upstaged by Potter."

"You have to understand that from the student perspective it feels like they've been overshadowed again by Gryffindor," Filius stated.

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