A Midnight swim with the bois(ch.2-7)

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Kacchan as I exclaimed-

Around Midnight
{No not the teacher}

I woke up to a whisper in my ear a soft-ish "Oi shitty nerd get the hell up." As I woke-up I see Kacchan right in my face and Todoroki-kun by Kacchan. As I ask what's the matter Kacchan? As he whispers,"Shut the hell up,people are sleeping..."
He searches my bag and throws my swimming shorts at me and says "Change".
As Todoroki-kun and Kacchan's goes into separate bathrooms,I as,well go into a different bathroom.

Around 5 minutes later

As I'm still changing Kacchan barges in the bathroom and Yells "Deku Hurry our ass u-"But before he could even finish I blushed and yelled GET OUT KACCHAN!
Kacchan just stood there for a second. . . Not so long after I was done.
Kacchan and I are both looking like tomatoes...Todoroki-kun asks what happened and Before I could even tell a lie...Kacchan yells "MIND YOUR OWN DAMN BUSINESS ICY-HOT!" Still Kacchan looked like a tomatoe and Shoto and I laughed. We all went swimming for about a half an hour than we ordered some food.
Kacchan ordered some Rice.
Todoroki-kun ordered Soba. ..(Not surprised)
And Ordered Katsudon!
After we ate we played truth or dare.
Kacchan didn't really want to play.(We forced him:>)

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