Road to nowhere but nowhere's where we wanna be

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(Y/n): "Mmh."

You stirred and opened your eyes. You were laying on Zack's sturdy chest. He was leaned up against the headboard with an arm behind his head, the other around you and stroking your hair. You looked up at him, shafts of sun beautifully danced upon your sleepy forms.

Zack: "There you are."

You yawned.

(Y/n): "...I wasn't asleep too long, was I?"

Zack: "Doesn't matter. You've pretty much been doin' all the dirty work for us 'til now. Least you could do is get some sleep."

(Y/n): "Thanks...Did you sleep okay?"

Zack: "Better than I ever have in my whole friggin' life..."

He smiled affectionately down at you. You smiled back.

(Y/n): "Yeah, me too..."

After comfortably resting with each other for a little longer, you got properly dressed and gathered your things. You went to the bathroom and changed into something comfortable for the warmer weather.

You helped Zack find something to wear. You picked out a casual button up and a pair of jeans. The jeans were fine, but the shirt was a size too large, likely to have accommodated your fathers growing beer-belly.

Zack took the clothes with him into the bathroom to change. It wasn't long before you could hear aggravated curses being spit from inside.

(Y/n): "Do you...need help?"

Zack: "No! 'Course I don't!"

(Y/n): "..Doesn't sound like it..."

Zack: "Whatever! This is stupid.."

Zack came out of the bathroom, his top buttoned completely wrong. You stifled a laugh.

Zack: "What the hell are you laughin' at?!"

You chuckled and stood from the bed. You walked over to him and started to fix the buttons for him. He clicked his teeth and looked away, embarrassed about the whole thing.

(Y/n): "S'alright. I've had my share of aggravations with these things, too. I still fuck it up all the time."

You finished up and took a step back with your hands on your hips. He grumbled out a "Thanks" and shoved his hands into his pockets. He actually wore the outfit really well. He looked stylish, even. The top hung loosely, but comfortably off of his frame. It was a little weird seeing him in other clothes, though. Especially ones that belonged to your dad.

He scratched the back of his head in aggravation and embarrassment.

Zack: "What are ya starin' at me for?! I look dumb don't I?!"

(Y/n): "Huh? No friggin' way, you look great. You'd probably look good in whatever ya put on though, to be honest."

He grumbled something else and kicked at the floor. You found his embarrassment both endearing and amusing. He finally made eye contact with you, then proceeded to look you up and down. He walked past you, ruffling your hair.

Zack: "I guess you don't look half bad.. for a little shit..."

He exited the room and got in the car. He left the luggage to you upon your instruction. You felt the less time he spent out in the open, the safer. He didn't like it, but he agreed. It wasn't as though you were fond of the idea, either. 

You hopped into the drivers seat, emitting a good mood.

(Y/n): "Alright. All we gotta do is get some gas, maybe some food- and we're out of here."

Your attitude spread to Zack, causing him to smile as well. He was happy you were happy, even if there were more than a couple of anxieties eating away at you both.

You took a turn and entered the gas station.

(Y/n): "Kay, I'll be right back."

You grinned at him before leaving. You then put on your mask and sunglasses. Zack seemed to be in a little bit of a better mood today. You definitely were, you were practically floating on air after yesterday.

You entered the gas station store, a rather slimy looking young man sat at the counter. You payed him no mind as he eyed you moving about the store. You picked up some filling snacks before approaching him.

Cashier: "That all, gorgeous? Sure I can get you somethin' else?"

(Y/n): 'What? He can't even see my face...'

(Y/n): "I need some gas."

You curtly responded, pulling out some money.

Cashier: "Oh, We don't take cash. You're gonna have to find another way to pay me~."

You ignored his innuendoes tone.

(Y/n): "Money's money, dickhead. I need some gas."

Cashier: "You sure you want to talk to me like that, you little tease?"

He leaned in threateningly. You wanted to gag.

(Y/n): "No, I just want some motherfuckin' gas."

You weren't going to amuse him like he wanted. He glared at you and begrudgingly did his job, not sparing some crass comments towards you. He then had the balls to lie to you about the price. You were drained from this already and just wanted to see Zack. You slapped a bill down on the counter.

(Y/n): "You know what, you little pussy? Keep the change, and buy a dildo so you can go fuck yourself."

You left with your things before he could reply. You filled up your car, your good mood having been stomped out by that bastard cashier. You got back in the car with a huff.

Zack: "What happened'a you?"

(Y/n): "Nothin'. Just had to deal with some grimy little asshole."

Zack: "Did'ya beat his ass?"

He grinned expectantly.

You gave a lopsided smile, feeling bad to disappoint.

(Y/n): "Nah. It's not good to stir up trouble, or to hand it to every piece of shit we cross paths with, as much as we might wanna.
'Course, I did tell the little fucker where he could stick it."

His grin fell into an amused, close-lipped smile.

Zack: "That's ma (n/n)."

Him saying that made you feel a little giddy. Your mood uplifted once more. You took out two honeybuns and tossed one to Zack as you got back on the road.

(Y/n): "The road outta here wont be too busy..."

You rolled down his window.

(Y/n): "No shame in cruisin'."

You smiled at him and put the bun in your mouth. You figured it would be nice for him to get some fresh air. He smiled fondly at you before propping his elbow on the window and leaning out a little. The wind danced through his raven locks, and pure content played on his features.

Despite the circumstances, neither of you had ever felt so free.

I've kinda got a story idea for this, but it might take me some time to plan it out.
(Not too long, I imagine)
I hope you can forgive me and be patient. These chapters were written kinda by ear lol

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2022 ⏰

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