Knife Play

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The next three weeks trickle by, interrupted by training sessions and awkward conversations with the rest of the squad. Oddly enough, Olou seems to be my only kind teammate—other than Eren, who is the closest thing I know to a puppy. Hange, too.

I'm almost unrecognisable to the girl I was when I first arrived here; my fighting and ODM skills have improved tenfold. Walking nearly seems unnatural—as if my body has grown so used to flying through the air with my gear.

I have yet to see Levi in action—I've realised that disarming those thugs in the Underground was childsplay to him—but I'm guessing my chance is coming. This morning, I was awoken by ringing bells and hurried footsteps in the halls. Levi was calling us to meet in the dining room.

Once we're all assembled around the polished table, eyes full of sleep and stomachs rumbling, Levi clears his throat.

'I'll make this brief,' he starts, rising from his seat at the head of the table. 'Tomorrow will be our first mission with Eren and Kai on the team. This is nothing special, just a bit of Titan extermination. Still, I don't want to push our new recruits too hard for their first times. We'll leave at dawn tomorrow, on horseback. We won't venture farther than one kilometre from the walls. Are there any questions?'

'Should we be in any specific formation?' Gunther asks.

'Stick to one group and spread apart a little. I want everyone within sight in case something goes wrong.' Levi fixes Eren with a stern look. 'Consider this a trial expedition.'

Petra shifts forward. 'Should I prepare the gas canisters?'

'Yes, please. Make sure you eat first.'

We all nod, our attention going to the empty plates in front of us. I can feel a hungry ache growing in my stomach.

Before long, Eld—who was placed on meal duty for today—totters through the door, laden with plates and bowls. Me and Olou rise to help him, eagerly taking full dishes from his hands. I inhale deeply, hearing my stomach growl in response to the delicious smell.

Hanje passes around a bread basket as we all tuck in. Today's meal is bean and chorizo stew—Eld's staple dish. Luckily, it never gets old. I'd be hard pressed to find better stew anywhere.

After breakfast, Hanje whisks Eren away to try one of her many "experiments." As soon as I ask about them, everybody gets uncomfortable. I try not to think about what goes on between them in the training grounds, but the thunderous racket that accompanies their time together is enough to steer me away from asking too many questions.

Usually I'd follow the rest of the soldiers down to the armoury to run sword drills after breakfast, but Levi pulls me aside.

'Do you want to do some one-on-one training today?' he offers meekly.

Over the past few weeks, I've been trying to quench my growing feelings for Levi. We haven't had much time together, but when we do, it's impossible not to notice how differently he treats me to the rest of his squad. Nonetheless, my stomach flutters with anxious excitement at his words. I try not to show my elation.

'Sure,' I muster. 'What did you have in mind for today?'

He runs a hand along the back of his head. 'I've gotten too used to fighting with longswords, so I was wondering if you could show me some of your manoeuvres. You're probably the best person to go to about combat with knives and daggers.' He speaks hurriedly, and I can tell he's shy about confessing this.

I grin. 'Humanity's Greatest Soldier wants help from me?'

Levi scowls and tugs an ivory-handled knife from his breeches. 'Watch it.'

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