In the Courtyard

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Despite his late night, Levi seems more chipper than usual. In between bites from his chocolate pastry, he babbles animatedly about his horses.

'—and then, two nights ago, I put them in the same stable, and now I think Cherry might be pregnant–'

I groan, putting my head in my hands as the carriage wobbles dangerously. The mounting sleepless nights are starting to take their toll on me in the shape of a pounding headache.

Levi swallows and thrusts his pastry into my face. 'You want some?'

I look up at his eager face and bright smile and feel the ache in my head reside slightly—this is the off-duty Levi I adore. I open my mouth and he lets me take a bite. I hum in appreciation. 'It's good. I approve of your taste.'

'You should skip on training today. You look dead on your feet.'

'Gee, thanks, Captain,' I snip.

He grins. 'Take a nap while I talk to Hange.'


'I think you two should spend some time together today.'

I shrug, placing my head in my lap again. I don't have any objections. The carriage continues to rock, bringing us back to HQ—back to the routine I've so comfortably settled into.


Eld slides a bowl of soup from last night's dinner down the length of the table. The rest of the squad looks on with crossed arms. Levi is absent, holed up in his office with Commander Erwin and Hange. The Commander's visit was a surprise to everyone.

'Eat,' Petra urges. 'You look pale.'

'Fine,' I mumble. I force a spoonful down my throat, giving Petra a thumbs up.

She doesn't return it. 'Why aren't you sleeping? If you continue like this, you could lose your strength. You'll be nothing but a dead weight.'

I struggle for an answer, but my mind is cycling through all of my secret nights spent with Levi. 'It's just, you know ... woman problems.'

Petra is impassive. Staring into her cold eyes, waiting for a response, I can't help but wonder if she suspects me and Levi. Finally, she shrugs. 'Whatever, Kai. Just keep up on sleep and training. We don't want you getting sloppy.'

I scowl. 'I won't.'

The kitchen door opens, and for a brief moment, I can hear two raised, male voices. Hange slips inside, closing the door with her back. The Captain's yelling is cut off.

She sighs, leaning against the wooden frame of the door. Her ponytail is mussed, glasses askew and face red from yelling. The rest of the squad looks to her for some hint of what's going on upstairs. She slouches past them all, crumpling into the seat beside me.

I offer my bowl to her, and she takes it gratefully, grunting, 'Thanks.'

I lower my voice. 'Are you okay, Hange?'

She drains the last of my soup and stares blankly into the dregs. 'I've been talking to the Captain, and I think it's time I showed you something, Kai.'

I nod. I have questions, but I can tell now isn't the time to ask them—not in front of the squad, anyways.

Olou leans across the table to Hange. 'What's happening up there?'

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