Chapter 3

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So, Mr. blue-eyes-british-accent guy has a name.  Matt.  Was it short for Matthew?  Probably.  Why am I thinking about him so much?

I actually found myself thinking about him all day, while I was waiting tables and carying food to customers, his blue eyes, or his lip ring would flash into my head.

I don't even know him, and in the few times I have seen him, he has been an asshole. 

Except...he ran and followed me all the way to my work, just to give me my emplyee ID.  A true asshole would have kept it and maybe given it to me the next time we saw eachother on the elevator.  But he followed me here.  I don't really know what to make of Matt.

"You okay?  You look really distracted" Caroline says to me.

"Yeah, I'm fine, I just have a lot on my mind."

"Do you want to talk about it?" she asks me.

"Well..I'm really upset about my Anything Goes audition the other day, I just feel like I made the wrong decision to try to be an actress, I'll probably never get a role on Broadway.  And on top of that, I hardly slept at all last night because someone moved into the apartment next to me and he was being exremely loud."

"That's so obnoxious, but as far as the acting thing goes, you can't give up, honey.  Some celebrities say that they were rejected like 500 times before they got even one part.  You are still you, there will be more shows and more auditions.  I believe in you."  She is so sweet.

"Well, I don't know, I hope you're right."

Later that night, Matt was extremely loud in his room again, but fortunately, I was so tired that I still fell asleep.

I woke up on Saturday morning to my friend Ryan banging on my door.

"Thanks for waking me up." I say sarcastically to him as I lethim into my apartment.

"Hurry up and get dressed, we're meeting Caroline in Times Square at 10:00."  It is Saturday and we are all off of work, so Ryan, Caroline, and I are going to spend the day shopping in Times Square and we are going to try to get rush tickets to see a show tonight. 

Ryan helps me pick out my outfit, I go for a black skirt with purple tights and a gray sweater.  He picks out a neclace for me and it actually looks really good. 

We take the stairs down in my apartment building and on our way out, we run into Matt. 

"Goodmorning Elizabeth." he says.

"How do you know my name?" I ask him.

"It was on your ID.  Remember, the one that I brought all the way to you at work."

"Right." my face flushes and I probably look really awkward.  "Um, see you later." I wave uncomfortably and he returns it with a devious smile.

As soon as we get out of the bulding, Ryan practically screams, "Oh my god, who was that?!"

"He's just my new neighboor, Matt.  He's actually kind of a jerk so..."

"He is hot.  Really hot.  And oh my gosh, those tatoos, mmm that's sexy."

I laugh at him "Okay Ryan, whatever you say."

The truth is.  I did think the tattoos were sexy.  And his piercings.  And his hair.  And his eyes.  And his body, and...oh god, I need to stop this.

"If you don't get on that, I will." Ryan says with a smirk.

"Ryan, I can't focus on some boy right now, I have my carreer to focus on."

"Oh come on, you can have a carreer and a boy-toy.  I think a guy would be good for you, you seem really uptight lately."

"Oh shut up" I laugh and push him jokingly.

When we get to Times Square, it is croweded like always and it takes us about 10 minutes to find Caroline in front of the Forever 21.

We spend over in hour in Forever 21 since the store is 5 stories and it takes an eternity just to look through everything.  Caroline needed a dress for some party she got invited to, and I ended up boying a pair of excercise leggings which seemed great for dancing. 

After shopping, we walk to Bryant Park and wat lunch in the grass.

While I'm eating, some lady with brown cruly hair walks by with a small, black and white terrier dog.  he poops on my purse.  My purse was just sitting on the ground, and it is green so I can't blame him.

"Stewie!" his owner says.  She was so nice and apologized repeatedly.

"It's totally fine!" I tell her.  "He is really cute." I pet Stewie on the head.

"You look really familiar" I say to this lady.

"Really?  My name is Lesli Margherita, I actually just moved back to New York from London."

"Oh, I know!  You were in Zorro the Musical on West End!  You won an Olivier award!"

"That's me!" she says.  "I can;t believe you recognized me, I feel so famous!"

"I saw videos of you in Zorro, you are incredible!  Why are you back in New York?" 

"Actually, I'm auditioning for a new show here.  They are bringing Matilda the Musical here from the West End, and I am absolutely dying to play Mrs. Wormwood."

"That's awesome, I've heard a little bit about that show, supposedly, it's amazing.  I'm an aspiring Broadway actress myself.  Empasis on 'aspiring,' I haven't actually gotten any roles yet."

"Well you look pretty young, you should audition for Matilda!  They need adults who can play both adults and kids and I know that they are still looking for people."

This lady could be my chance.  If she is being considered for a lead in this show, she could put in a good word for me.  I might have a shot!

"Here is my agent's number, give it to your agent and tell him to call.  Tell him to say you talked to Lesli Margherita and we'll see if he can get you an audition."

"Thank you so much, I don't even know what to say, thank you!"  I give her a hug and she says goodbye and walks away with her terrier.

I text her agent's number to my agent, Jack Friedman, and tell him what she told me. Ryan and Caroline are practically freaking out for me. 

We go to the TKTS booth and get tickets to see Phantom to celebrate. 

I just scored an awesome audition, and all because some dog accidentally pooped on my purse.

(Hi!  Thanks for reading and sorry I haven't updated in forever; I had some problems with my email and got locked out of my account, but I'm back in now!  Side note: I know that the timing doesn't match up for when Anything Goes was revived on Broadway and when Matilda came to Broadway, but just go with it for the sake of the story. :) xoxo)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2015 ⏰

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