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We took Alastor's town car to Valentino's club. It was quiet, and I assumed it's patrons were sleeping off last nights celebrations. A bouncer admitted us though, and Alastor and I went into the overlord's den.

"Alastor, to what do I owe the pleasure?" Valentino's voice was smooth and welcoming as he came out of a back room to greet us. He only gave me a curious glance as if trying to figure out why I was still alive before turning his full attention to the fellow overlord at my side.

"We wanted to return something of yours," Alastor replied, tossing the bag at Valentino's feet, "I found it on my investment's property. I thought you might want it back."

"Investment, is it?" Valentino mused, not bothering to pick up the bag, "What venture are you diving into now, Alastor?"

"Oh just a teahouse I'm fond of," Alastor said casually, gesturing to me, "This is (Y/N), the proprietress of said teahouse. I believe you two have met before."

Valentino finally turned his eyes to me. Instead of giving a respectful bow, I merely said, "Yes, I do believe we have met before."

"Then I wish you both luck," Valentino replied, "If you'll excuse me, I have business to attend to before this evening."

Alastor led me back out into the soft red glow of of Hell's morning light. I let out a breath I didn't know I had been holding as I slid into the back seat of the town car. When my nerves were finally under control, I turned to Alastor and asked, "Now, what was this investment you spoke of?"

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