part 2

26 2 22

katsuki: so are we gonna go on a plane?

dio: no we're gonna go on a boat

katsuki: r-really wow hopefully we get 2 see a shark der so cool or a dolphin! dolphins are so cute almost cuter than me!

dio: hehe

dio: how was swallowing dat bag?

katsuki: um

dio: d'ya think u could swallow four more and u can sh!t them out wen we get on the boat

katsuki: uhhh i dont think i can w-why do u keep asking me 2 swallow bags can u not just bring dem on the boat im starting 2 think dat dis isnt regular flour

dio: w-yea yea watevr CAN U GIVE ME A HAND WITH THIS

katsuki: u-oki

katsuki: y do u need so much medicine?

dio: uh im really sick

katsuki: oh ok plz dont make me sik cof into ur elbow




da da da da da da da da da da da everything is perfect 

(ders da song dey sung)


dio: searching up on his phone on youtube how 2 smuggle drugs

dio: ah dis wil do 5 wierd ways 2 sneak candy into class this will work yes "candy"

dio: alright GET IN

katsuki: u-oki *does finger thing*

dio: shoves him in

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------they arrive at the airport


katsuki: eew it smells like dead fish 

*dio's phone vibrates* a msg from todoki

it sed: how's my lil baby getting on?

dio replies: great 

todoroki: i'll be picking him up in 3 hours

dio 2 self: oh sh!t

dio: blocks todoroki and spongebob

katsuki: wait so ur telling me dat boat can fit all these cars? how does it not sink?

dio: huh good question idk acually

katsuki: confused bcuz dio iz adult and ders something he doesnt no???????

sniffer dog *gos absalootly mad*

guard we're gonna have 2 check ur car 

dio's head: uh cmon life hacks dont fail me now

guard: alrigh' get ou of da car

*katsuki opens door* dog jusmps up barking in his face

katsuki: WWAAH 

guard: geez calm down rex

*guard opens boot of car*

guard: wtf! *as load of drugs just roll out* 

guard: bruh u didnt even try 2 hide dem wth


guard: omg lol *as he hand cuffs dio*

other guard: is this even ur child where's ur passport?

dio: oh frik forgot u need a passport 2 go places

guard: bruh

other guard: r u alrigh' in da head lad

other,other guard 2 katsuki: where r ur parents?

katsuki *crying* : der at an hotel for der anniversery

other,other guard: where do u live

katsuki: uh idk japan

other,other guard: um we're still in japan dat doesnt really help where in japan

katsuki: uh idk ;w;

other,other guard: u-dats ok




todoroki + spongebob go in to dio's house and see that there gone!

todoroki: starts panicing

spongebob: starts panicing 

todorki keeps trying 2 text dio but hes blocked

but then they hear a sound coming from the basement

it sounds like mumbleling kinda sounds like someone screaming help

spongebob slowly opens da door creeeeek


todoroki: OMG!!!

it was todorki's real brother! it turns out dio is some random guy who snook into todorki's brother's house and locked him in da basement and stole his phone he den saw all dis babysitting and well that's how the story started

they untied the uncle and called the police




other,other guard (his name iz other,other guard btw): *continues 2 ask katsuki questions*

the guards get in contact with his parents

todorki and spongebob rush over 2 the sceen

todoki:*crying* OMG MY LIL BOY runs over 2 hug katsuki

(spongebob does dat aswel)

todoroki: omg omg r u all rite omg 

spongebob wat happend?

katsuki: uncle dio made me swallow 5 bags of coke and now we're going 2 america

todoroki: UNCLE WHO?!

dio: haha u thought it was ur brother but it was me dio!!

guards: wait wtf 5 bags!

so then katsuki was taken 2 the hospital and dio was sent to jail and they all lived happily ever after!

hope u enjoyed :D

part 2 of da finfic story tinTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang