part one

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Hailey's pov :

"WAKE UP" I heard someone shout as I was sleeping.

I jumped up and opened my eyes to realize it was Lauren.

"whattt?" I shouted being annoyed.

"we have to go to the new apartment in LA today." she explained while rushing me.

"shittt" I shouted. I had totally forgot.. I mean I had everything packed but still.

I jumped up and got a quick shower, did my hair and changed into

I jumped up and got a quick shower, did my hair and changed into

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       I then went downstairs and grabbed a banana, said goodbye to our parents and got into the car and started to drive to LA.

It took a long time but we did it.. it took around 12 hours straight way through. We couldn't get plane tickets because we had hella bags and some furniture things we had already bought.

We got our keys and went up to the room and unpacked our things.

We kinda got it set up.. it looked nice.

"hey I'm hungry, wanna get something to eat?" Lauren said while walking towards me.

"sure" I agreed as I put everything down.

we went down the elevator and I out in the lobby.

As the elevator doors open we see about 2 guys waiting to come in.

the one was like fine as hell.. like f me pls sir*

I just walked by and looked over at Lauren and she looked at me and looked back at him.

"brooooo" She said with a smile

"They were FINE" she began.

"IKKK" I stated back.

We just walked over to this restaurant about 10 minutes away and ate there.

( also this takes place before Lauren started to blowup on TikTok.)

We then ate and walked back.

We got on the elevator and walked up down the hall. We then noticed the two boys we saw earlier sitting outside of a room next to ours.

"yeah bro" i heard one of them say.

"what happened to y'all" Lauren said and my eyes open wide, like boo why are you talking..

"oh we got locked out" the one boy said.

holy shit. His voice. Omg. Why am I like this?

"oh that sucks" Lauren said back as we walked by.

"Yeah, they can't get us the key for a couple hours" the other guy said.

Lauren then stopped and before she turned around she smirked and then said.

"Well if you want you can come into our room, we just moved in so.." Lauren said with a smile.

"oh um are you sure, I don't wanna"
The one boy said, then Lauren cut him off

"Look it's fine. Honestly" Lauren said.


They then got up and followed us into the room.

"Y'all want something to drink" I say as they got into the room.

"um actually can I have a glass of water?" The one boy asked

"yeah sure" I said back

He then followed me over towards the kitchen.

"what's your name by the way?" I asked

"I'm Noah and over there, that's Blake"
he said

"Oh well I'm Hailey and she" I pointed over towards Lauren, "she is Lauren"

Lauren then waved.

I then handed him the glass over water.

about an hour later we all just chilled, made some TikToks and just got to know each other.

They were honestly really cool.

"Oh they have our keys, so imma go down to the office but I was wondering if you guys may wanna go to this party we our going to tonight?" Noah stated with a smile appearing across his face.

"Um yeah sure.." I said.

"Where and when will it be?"  Lauren said

" well how about I give you my number and I'll text you." Noah said


We then exchanged numbers and they both left.

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