2- candy buttons

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you smiled gently, hoping that you would be able to keep your promise of seeing your dad and brother every week.  stumbling out of the bedroom, you found that the two mafiosos remained in the doorway, patient as ever. swallowing your saliva, you looked at the two with the most serious face you could muster, which happened to actually be a bit frightening. "ill be taking my fathers place. is there any tests or requirements i must pass or fulfill?"

the red head of the two gave you a stern glare, "no, but we do have a few questions. have you ever killed a man?"

"yes." you answered, making  your father do a double-take as he was unaware of this.

"how many?" the other asked, flipping his long hair behind his back.

you wrinkled your nose, shifting your sunglasses upwards. "three, but im willing to bump up that number if necessary."

the lighter haired of the two looked over at his partner, murmuring something in his ear before turning back to you. "how were you able to freeze your father?" 

"using  'Pink Floyd', a ghost that's haunted me for about several years now." you replied, folding your arms and puffing out your chest.

the two gave you a contemplative look before the white haired man smiled, "that's called a stand, dear. its not a ghost, but its there to protect you. do you mind showing us it?"

huffing in annoyance at their constant questions, you summoned Pink Floyd, its sleek, plastic pink skin shining in the dim light of your house. the two mafioso's gasped in shock, your dad unmoved as he couldnt see it. "she's able to caramelize any target i hit with my candy bullets, only able to break them out of their paralyzed state with the snap of my fingers. i can also encase myself in the tough, glass-like candy, though it only lasts for around two minutes."

breaking out of their shocked trance, the two looked at you with a happy expression. "alright!" the white haired one chirped. "we think youll do just fine. isnt that right, squalo?"

the red head, squalo, turned to look at his partner with an amused smile. "definitely. she has a lot of potential."

you folded your arms, the skirt you wore twirling in the air as you shifted your weight from foot to foot. "is there anything else you guys need to know before i go to pack my things?"

they stared at each other for a moment before shaking their heads. "go get your things quickly," squalo ordered, "you'll be heading in today and beginning your work next week."

you nodded, not wasting anytime in rushing to your bedroom and stuffing your things into a single suitcase. you pushed past your father, who attempted to grab your arm and stop you, though you slipped away from him quickly. slamming your door shut, you immediately yanked out your bright red suitcase and began to fill it full of your clothes, items, and collection of sunglasses.

besides basic clothing, you threw in your favorite kitchenware, which happened to be a set of knives, an expensive whisk, and meat scissors. after tossing in your nurse first aid kit from when you worked at a hospital, you quickly crammed everything else inside and shut the suit case closed.

your blood boiled in your veins, a newfound sensation of fury writhing inside you, waiting to escape and wreck havoc. breaking your anger, the sound of your door creaking open nearly made you jump out of your skin. "sis?" a sheepish voice called out. "what's going on?

you slowly turned around, upset that your dad didnt stop alois from entering your room. his fluffy orange hair was strewn into different directions, a tired expression dragging his face into a yawn. he mustve just woken up, seeing as how he was holding his favorite toy, which happened to be a little fish stuffed animal.

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