3- meet the team

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"i wonder if alois will truly miss me... maybe he just thinks im leaving like mom did." you mumbled to yourself, feeling the car come to a stop beneath you.

the passenger car door opened and allowed you to crawl out with your bag, the warm italian sun welcoming you into daylight again. looking around, you found you had been taken to the mobs headquarters, where you would probably be staying until they eventually found you a suitable team.

it wasnt a run down, abandoned building like you had assumed it to be. no, in fact, it was a very clean, well built manor of some kind, made rather large for what you heard was only the boss and his guard. oh well, it wasnt up to your job to judge how people spend their money anyway (though it used to be-).

squalo and tiziano led you to the front door, opening it for you and leading you to a separate room past the kitchen, of which made you cringe and physically recoil. it was rather disgusting for such a nice house, paper ripped and torn everywhere, dirty dishes stacked on top of the other in the sink, silverware just lazily thrown into a drawer that was left open. yes, this was very sad in the eyes of a previously working sous chef.

you hadnt noticed you were paying more attention to the kitchen than the men in front of you, which became painfully obvious when you bumped into one of them on accident. rubbing your nose with your hand, you whimpered out meek apologies, hoping you didnt agitate the mafiosos in front of you. 

"its fine, dear." squalo reassured, patting your head. "it was an accident, and accidents happen. make sure youre paying more attention now, though."

"yes sir.."

resuming your walking a bit further down a hallway, the two men finally handed you off to a kid with pink hair, who couldnt have been any older than you, surely. he was holding a clipboard against his purple sweater, fashionable jeans with gold plates covering his legs. "hello! you must be (y/n), correct?"

you nodded, "yes, that me."

"great! my name is doppio, would you please follow me? i would like to conduct a small interview before we get started in your sorting." 

you followed doppio like a clueless puppy into a large room, of which was decorated with various paintings, a record player, two large couches, a desk and office chair, and a large potted plant. taking a seat on one of the velvet chair, you watched as doppio flipped through his clipboard as he sat on the couch across from you, looking through what was most likely your personal information. 

"so," he began, nibbling on the end of his pen, "to start us off, do you have a stand or a unique ability?"

"im not so sure what a stand is, but ive had this ghost that has followed me ever since the seventh grade. as for special abilities, im able to caramelize anything in a hard, thick candy syrup with my lipstick stains."

he nodded, writing down something onto the sheet of paper. "wonderful, care to demonstrate?"

letting out a nervous huff, you dug through your suitcase and pulled out one tube of lipgloss and a fork, quickly applying the lip product onto your lips. doppio watched intently as you kissed your wrist, your other hand quickly throwing the fork into the air. in the blink of an eye, your hand assumed the shape of a gun, your middle finger and index pressed together with your thumb straight up. flexing your thumb while aiming at the fork in the air, the blur of something light brown shot directly to it, coming into contact with the fork and inflating to encase it in a messy sphere of hard candy.

the fork fell back to the earth, landing swiftly in your hand on display in the caramel. "this is really all i can do. other than that, im also able to encase my body in the same candy to protect myself, as well as rapid fire my bullets if i put my hands together."

doppio gave you a soft smile, jotting down something quickly. "that's an amazing ability to have, you know! now, could you tell me how long your little candy armor will last?"

"it can only hold up for around two to three minutes, maybe even five if i really push myself. while it seems weak, its actually impenetrable during this time, leaving me unable to be attacked until im exposed again."

quickly finishing off his notes, doppio stood up once again, strutting over to the desk and laying the clipboard on top of some extra papers. "alright then, it will take the boss some time to find you a suitable team for your skill and level. for now, you are welcome to stay here until that decision is made. there is already a room prepared for you, so if you dont mind, ill be happy to take you there now."

smiling in response, you followed doppio out of the office and to the stairs, where you passed the disastrous kitchen once again. just looking a it made you shudder, so much so that even doppio noticed. "are you alright, (y/n)?"

you shook your head, clearing your thoughts. "yes, im fine... just thinking about things."

as if a message from the heavens fell upon your ears, a wonderful idea struck your mind. these men had treated you so kindly so far despite their assumed intentions, which prompted you to wonder if there was a way you could repay them. of course, you couldnt help any of them with your nursing skills or intellect on bank management, but you could put your excellent cooking skills to good use. after all, you werent a chef for nothing! 

"mister doppio, forgive me for asking, but have you eaten yet today?"

he put his hand to his chin, thinking for a moment as he led you up the stairs. "no, i dont believe i have.. why?"

"well, would it be alright if i prepared lunch for you and your team? that is, if you will let me."

he seemed rather surprised you asked such a question, his head twisting around to face you and show you his confused expression. "make us lunch? why would you want to do that?"

"well," you pushed up your sunglasses with your index finger, "you and your team have treated me well so far, even though im only going to see you all for around a day or so. i just want to repay your kindness is all. i can even make anything you want!"

doppio huffed, leading you to an empty bedroom at the end of the hall. "i suppose that's fine with me, but if you intend to make food for the whole team, then youll have to prepare five meals, you know."

"thats fine with me. i used to have to help make over hundreds of meals at my last job, so thisll be easy!"

"hundreds?" he repeated. "what did you used to work as?"

"a sous chef, mister doppio. i was fired after a coworker framed me for attempting to poison a politicians order."

"im sorry to hear that, people are cruel and unjust. im sure you loved that job very much, yes?"

you sighed sadly, thinking back to all the good times you had in that kitchen. "with all my heart. that restaurant was my pride and joy, and in the end it was stripped from me over a misunderstanding."

doppio opened the bedroom door, allowing you to step in and take a look around. "if it will make you feel any better, i dont mind if you cook for us. im sure you want that passion back into your life one way or another. but i will warn you, our kitchen is a bit of a mess!"

you laughed, though you were secretly seething at the thought of having to clean it up. "its fine, i have no problem tidying it up!"

smiling softly, doppio gave you a wave goodbye. "alright then. if theres anything you need, let me know! im always down the hall in the room you had your interview in!"

"thank you, doppio! ill see you in a bit!"


and with that, he closed the door behind you, leaving you and your bag alone in the small, minimalistic bedroom. the walls were plain white, a plain painting of a tree in the fall hanging helplessly on a nail next to a medium sized mirror. directly on the opposite side of the wall, a large window framed the room with bright, thin, white curtains wavering in the air in front of it, a coat hanger to its left.

sighing, you tossed your suitcase onto the twin sized bed, quickly unzipping it and pulling out your black apron and a set of rubber gloves, slipping on the attire with slight hesitation. "i can already tell this is going to be a long day..."

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