Chapter 1-Abaia

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"It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the most responsive to change"-Charles Darwin

A heavy rain poured in the dead of night, frequent flashes of thunder and lightning lit up the sky for a few brief seconds before the darkness covered the landscape of Papua New Guinea once more. The tropical trees shook and their branches swayed over the strong wind, many of the animals weren't particularly active, taking refuge from the dreaded storm. The locals were especially scared, this weather shouldn't be anything new but in recent events this storm incited danger for them. Two cryptozoologists: Lucas Brown and Heath Taylor ride on a boat in one of the mangrove swamps, accompanied by a reluctant fisherman who begged for them to abandon their search in fear of what would emerge from the water and drag them down. In the aforementioned swamp, two of their fishermen were recently attacked on the shoreline. The survivor recalls a slender creature breaching from the water and grabbing hold of his leg, his companion tried to help him but in return was dragged into the water instead; all that emerged from the water was a severed arm surrounded by a pool of blood. The locals address the killer as the Abaia: a giant freshwater eel who guards the aquatic life in its domain; the locals even suggest that these severe rainstorms are a punishment by the Abaia for fishing in its home.

"Please, we need to leave! Before Abaia gets us!" Cried the fisherman in his native tongue.

"This storm is growing too great, if we stay longer, we'll anger the great eel even more!" Said the fisherman.

"I'm afraid we can't." said Lucas. "The ecosystem in your country seems to be getting in a far worse state, several animals dependent on these waters have vanished and are growing fewer in numbers, you are unable to go fishing to feed your families and there have been reports of something in these and many other bodies of water killing both people and animals alike, we're not leaving until we find the source!"

Despite it being portrayed as a being that cares so deeply for its freshwater ecosystem, whatever this Abaia is, it's certainly causing problems. Following the frequent sightings of this creature as of late, especially in Papua New Guinea, several herpetologists, ichthyologists and cryptozoologists visited the island nation to investigate. What they unfortunately noticed was the lack of activity and numbers of certain animals. While your average tree kangaroo, bird of paradise and cassowary fared marginally well being the terrestrial and arboreal creatures they are. Most animals that rely on the rivers and swamps haven't had it easy. Saltwater crocodiles have all but disappeared from Papua New Guinea, it's hard to conclude whether the population in the region died out or if they simply departed to other nearby regions. The New Guinea crocodiles are barely holding on, it didn't take long to already find a few mutilated carcasses. Luckily some living specimens were found but it's hard to determine how long this species will last. Unfortunately there have been no sightings of the Northern or the Speartooth river sharks; the ichthyologists began to fear the worst, maybe the river sharks in Papua New Guinea became locally extinct, it's now only a matter of time till the populations in Western Australia suffer the same fate.

"Maybe we should've done this another time, mate?" Said Heath with his broad Australian accent. "I can't see shit!"

"Quit your whining and keep searching goddamn it, the sooner we find this thing, the better--and turn on your headlamp, you'll see shit better!"

Through the pouring rain and the roaring wind, they hear a massive splash, as if something emerged from the water, in anticipation, they move on the right side of the boat from where the sound came to look and to their disappointment: "Damn! it's just a croc." Said Lucas, frustrated with the find. "Hold on, mate!" Heath said, "I see something, underwater!" He points to an object floating beside the boat, the light of his headlamp illuminated the further details of this creature.

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