Lucas Brown's Account: 18-07-23

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It took some time, but I finally received word from Amelia that I've been granted passage to Neoaima and to assist the scientists currently stationed there. Heath was quite pessimistic, he honestly believed that Amelia made a false promise but boy did she prove him wrong; like he cared much anyways.

She told me that I'll be picked up by military personnel tomorrow morning and be boarded on a boat to the island with her, and that Heath is welcome to come as well should he consider the offer. However, in the email not only did she give out the confirmation but she also sent me some images from the island's dense rainforests. She intentionally sent the more blurry, darker images, probably to peak my curiosity and get me more excited but the outline of some of these animals certainly did the trick.

Even Heath was a tad alarmed by the appearance of these animals, he and I literally locked eyes at the computer screen and asked aloud, "Are those Dinosaurs?" simultaneously. They all shared a similar anatomy to Dinosaurs of the Theropoda clade; Mostly Allosaurs, and Alvarezsaurids from what I've seen so far, but there were also images of massive crocs, partially emerged from the water, I could tell from the heads alone that they're bigger than saltwater crocodiles.

I've heard of the phrase, history repeating itself, but this is overkill--this is an entire island practically recreating the Mesozoic era. I'm definitely intrigued and even more excited than ever before to go to the island.

Neoaima: Isle of the RebornWhere stories live. Discover now