5. Circled and Screwed

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After a bit of fumbling around I flip a switch on the lamp and the door appears.
Angel looks up from where she's sitting on the floor, all around her are chalk symbols and signs.
"How are you doing?" I ask concerned.
"I'd rate this place 2 stars, it could use more decor but the food service" she raised her fingers and kissed them.
"Very funny but now's really not the time, how do we get you out of here?"
"I've been working on that too, just grab a couple of things from the kitchen for me and we will be good to go. A lighter, salt, sage and a sting"
I rushed to the kitchen to gather everything.
When I returned she told me that it would be best to get further away so I sat on the stairs nearby. From inside the dungeon I could hear strange chatter, followed by a bright light and then out came Angel carrying her backpack over her shoulder.
I ran over and hugged her.
" Yeah, yeah I'm the greatest, now let's get out of here fast."

I grabbed her hand and led her to the front door but just as I reached out to grab the handle it twisted open.
I threw her behind a potted plant and she squatted down before the person could see her.
In came an older women and I let out a sign of relief. She didn't appear threatening in anyway and she was so old I doubt she could harm a fly.
She looked up with droopy crystal blue eyes and my heart melted. I've always had a soft spot for wrinkly little old people. "Are you Melonie?" She brushed a strand of white hair away from her face and tried to tuck it back into the bun she was wearing.
"Yes, who are you?" She smiled up at me and started to answer.
Out of the counter of my eye I saw Angel get up from behind the tree. She grabbed something from her backpack and then launched herself at the sweet old women. I was shocked.
They wrestled on the floor in front of me with a fervor you wouldn't expect from a little old women. I tried to help the women and push Angel off but I couldn't keep up with the two of them. I watched as Angel wrapped a metal necklace around the women's neck while she kicked and struggled and then threw a powder into her face leaving her motionless on the floor.
"What in the actually heck?!"
Angel got off the floor and grabbed my hand.
" No time. I wasn't fast enough,she signaled the pack. We have to go NOW." I was dragged out the door in complete confusion.

The forest past us in a blur, we were dodging trees, jumping over roots and stomping through piles crisp leaves. The sun was peaking down into the mountains making it harder to see by the minute.
I felt a tug on arm and stopped my running. Not sure why Angel had stopped I take the opportunity to catch my breath, I put my hands on my hip and breath heavily almost hurling at the unwanted exercise. Looking over at Angel I can see a look of fear cracking through her brave face and my eyes follow the direction of hers.
Through the dark shadows of the low light several darker shadows creep towards us. Wolves. I've never seen a wolf before but I never imagined they would be that big.
I pull Angel towards a tree and whisper a plan to climb to safety but she doesn't budge.
Angel grabs her backpack and quickly forms a circle around us with a light blue sand.
" ëfīrłe" she says and flames erupt from the sand she had poured, completely surrounding us.
The flames allow for a better view of the wolves and if I wasn't so scared of being eaten alive I would be thinking about the magic trick performed by my best friend.

The beasts draw closer and begin circling the fames. Looking out I see one of them is bigger than the rest and it's face is more serious. It's eyes are focused directly on me and don't seem to look anywhere else. It must really want to kill me.
Angel is sitting on the ground and she looks extremely focused. Her eyes are scrunched closed and I don't dare distract her. She is probably trying to think of a way out of this mess.
When I look back at the wolves I see that several of them are beginning to change. When the uncomfortable process is over the wolves are gone and standing there are people. Freaking dudes!
One of them comes closer to the fire and calls out to Angel. "You can't keep this up for long, witch"
Angel looks up at the man to glare but the fire shrinks as she does this and she quickly closes her eyes and begins to focus.
I'm dreaming or I'm hallucinating or I'm dead because their is no way that my best friend is a literal witch and that wolves can turn into people.
The biggest wolf still remains a wolf and it's just sitting across from the fire patiently.

Angel is beginning to look tired, sweat is beading her forehead but it's not from the running nor the warmth of the fire.
"Give us the Luna and we just might lessen your sentence." One of the men shouts at us.
I grab Angels bag.
"Which one of these is Luna? I can toss it to them and maybe they will leave us alone."
Angel looked up at me with a injured face while struggling to focus on the fire and then pointed.
Her finger isn't directed to the bag. It's pointed right at me.
Wowza, so unexpected!Or not.

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