6. Luna

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"I'm not a Luna, if anything I'm a Mel."
The biggest wolf marched closer to the fire so close that I was worried it would throw caution to the wind and just jump through it. It had sparkling blue eyes with just a hint of silver and a dark brown coat of fur.
It started to stand on its hind legs and in the time it takes to microwave a hot pocket, in front of me stood, my kidnapper, Mr. Milio Smilo.

"Mel, I know your confused and maybe a little frightened but if you come with me I will explain everything."

" Yeah that sounds reasonable! Following my crazy kidnapper back through a creepy forest is bad enough but add in Wolfman and that becomes a beyond stupid idea."
I grab the strings of the hoodie and fiddle with them .
" Darling, your friend can't hold out much longer and either way your coming with us, it's all a matter of time."
Angel is not looking good. The wounds on her face have opened up from the strain and her arms are shaking. The sound of her controlled breathing and her quiet concentration don't change the fact that she looks like she's going to pass out and the fire is getting less deterring by the minute.
"If I'm the one your after, you have to let my friend go."
Angel has already done and sacrificed so much for me and I don't want her hurt.

"I really don't want to do that, love, but if you come to me right now, I will."
I glance over at Angel and she shakes her head with her face scrunch and eyes still closed. I know even if I waited we wouldn't be able to hold them off much longer and if I go now at least one of us will be safe. I'm normally really calm it times of chaos but right now my heart is pounding out of my chest.
I crouch down to Angel and I grab her face so that she has to look up at me. She is starting to lose her focus and tears are streaming down her face.
" I'm so proud of you and none of this is your fault." I softly whisper, rubbing away some of her tears with my thumb.
She looks so heartbreaking and I feel tears on my own cheeks. I pull her into a hug and the last of the fire vanishes giving me chills for multiple reasons.

I stand up and try to look brave as I walk towards my demon.

Standing in front of him in the dark he looks more threatening than before. Did he always tower over me like this?
I hear him sigh and he rubs the back of his neck probably hoping things  had gone differently.
He picked me up as if I weighed as much as a child's teddy bear  and without thinking I snuggle into his warmth.
He starts walking and I peek over his shoulders at Angel. Her short red hair is matted and dirty, like the faded flames.  I can hear her quiet sobs and I wince at her pain. I continue to watch her get further and further away until her speck fades into the other shadows of the forest.
This whole day has been exhausting.  Tears flow down my face but this isn't the kind of cry that brings any kind of relief.  I'll give myself this and then I'll be brave again, I tell myself.
I can feel his eyes on me as I cry but I don't want to see him right now so I just focus on the dark path.

Before long, I feel myself be let down, I carefully peek open my eyes and I'm back in his mansion. He sets me down on a bed while I fake unconsciousness. He pulls off my shoes and socks and gently wraps me in blankets before I hear his footsteps retreat.
I hear the shower in the bathroom turn on and I cautiously open my eyes.
The room is dark and the only light is coming from the stars in the window and the waxy shine on the wood floors from the light leaking under the bathroom door.
I quietly remove the blanket and tiptoe towards rooms exit. I pass the bathroom door and hold my breath to make sure I won't be heard.
I grab the door and key and slowly twist it down but it won't budge. It must be locked.
The bathroom door opened and I'm blinded in a wave of light. My hand is still clutching the door know and I feel strong, damp arms wrap around my waist.
He pulled me closer to him and rested his forehead on my shoulder. Cold drops of water trailed down his hair onto my neck making me shiver.
"Going somewhere?" He spoke with a harsh sadness and his hot breath sent a blush to my face.
I take the silent path and try to wiggle out of his arms but he just picks me up and walks me back to the bed. He briefly let's go of me to turn off the bathroom light and in the time it takes him to do that I have made my way into the closet and shut the door.
I grab a small dresser and push it in front of the door and then I sit down and draw my knees to my chest, watching and waiting.
Surprisingly, I don't hear any attempt to open the door and a long time goes by before I feel comfortable enough to rest.
I wake up tired and sore but thankfully alone. The dresser doesn't appear moved and I with a lot of effort I'm able to move it out from in front of the door so that I'm able to crack it open.
The room is quiet and the only movement is from a sleeping Milo positioned right outside the closet door.
His hair is poofy and has a slight morning curl to it, he looks harmless when he's sleeping especially sprawled out on the wood floor.
Just because he looks like a puppy doesn't change the fact he's a wolf.

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