chapter five

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chapter 5 -

" Hey where have you been? " Ask joong as soon as nine appear in the living room, he came home alone in the house wondering where's the younger could be, he tend to ask the driver but he didn't,

" it doesn't concerns you wherever I go " nine replied giving a lascivious look at joong

" You're right but I'm just worried that someone might mistaken you as a kid and kidnap you, your mom can't take losing his baby boy!! " joong sneer teasing the younger boy

" Tsk.. I'm not a kid I can take care of my self.. And besides you're the only one who mistaken me as kid!! "nine scoff

" You sure?.." joong raise an eye brow

" I..uh..yes.." he stammered joong chuckled

" Yah!!.. Stop that!!.." He yell

" What?" joong tease even though he know what nine meant

" Ugh.. Forget it!! " He groaned stomping his feet while climbing the stairs as the loud laugh of joong echoed in the living room

" nanie thank you so much for last night we have a great time!! " ben cheerfully said the heavy thing his carrying yesterday has reduces a bit

" I'm glad, you guys ok.. Now? !! " He smile

" Thanks to you.. But we're not completely ok.. We need to do something to get over it!! " saint patted him at the back

" What is it? Maybe I can help " he ask

" Sure you can even you won't try!! Since you dislike joong too" saint cooed nine doesn't understand what his bestfriend saying

" We decided to avoid them.. So we can forget them" dome end his confusion

" Hmm.. Sounds like a plan!! " He comment

" We really plan it!! " dome smiled determine

" Let's eat fast so we can finish before they come!!.. " saint said as he shove the spoonful of salad inside his mouth, enjoying their food. The girls in the cafe started to scream notifying them.

" Shit.. They're coming!!.. Let's go" saint said taking their bag and stood up without finishing their food, heading in the entrance hoping that the other group won't see them or recognise them but unfortunately they can't escape now

" Hey..guys!!.. Let's eat together " perth greeted as he saw them

" Sorry we had eaten already..actually we just finish and heading for our next class now..enjoy yourselves" once again ben smiled and bowed his good at pretending, while dome and saint kept their face serous or morely expressionless, nine needed to pull them towards the entrance cause they were so serious that they even forget to move.

" They are weird!! " Is all perth could say followed by the " yeah.." Of his friends in agreement

The next day they did the same and the next day... They always find their way to avoid the other group and the day before the weekend they decided to bring their own meal for lunch so they don't need to go in the cafe and make another excuse..

" Lunch box?.. Tsk!.. What a kid!! " joong scoff as he saw nine shove the lunch box on his bag prepared by the cooker

" Tsk.. Mind your own business!!" nine scoff back

" Aren't you embarrass to your friends " joobg retorted crossing his arms

" Why would I.. If we all bring Our own food!! "

" All of you?.. "

" Yup!!.. We decided to bring our own food so we won't see your..." nine shut his mouth as he realize what he was going to say

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