chapter 16

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chapter 16 -

He awoke in a cheerful light sneaking on his window passing through the fancy curtain and simple rub his face, his awakening was simple, easy, without movements and save for the eyes that open and made him aware of the bright new day ahead, after the lapsed hours of sleep he gets up and gets ready for the day, after getting ready he went to other room which joong's who prolly deep in his slumber in this instant, its still early anyway.

he carefully knock the door not so vigour but enough to be heard inside the room, he then smile with pleasure as he heard the distant foot steps climbing the stairshe made a breakfast for us again his smile flutter in his face knowing it precisely, he remember how he uses his best pouty face last day just to convince joong to make a breakfast for them

" I woke up earlier than you sleepy head so you don't have to disturb my sweet sleep by your soft knock.. And I suggest you to go down now and take you breakfast, then we can go " smiled joong the smile he always gave to nine everyday making the younger's day even more brighter, nine smiled back and the blush once again creeping on his face as his unstoppable heart beats so fast

nine hide his face, not like joong, he have a better acceptance to what he feel, his growing attraction or affection towards joong was understandable to him well maybe he's still innocent about the word love, and prolly doesn't know what it could be effect on him what to risk much less the consequences, which contrary of joong who's aware of everything but not to nine's feelings, meanwhile he tried to be not so obvious to everyone even sometimes he really was because of the pout that Keep plastering on his lips whenever joong flirts with girls, and he knows he should stop his feeling because joong will never look at him like how he wanted to but he can't help it but to seize the moment whenever his with joong, and he have an advantage to those girls because joong is leaving with him.

" Here eat more" joong shove another plate of pancake towards nine, seeing how the young boy finish up the first plate

" Thank you.. " nine shyly smile at joong taking the plate of pancake which joong gladly smiled back and marvelled at the fascinating feature of nine, while eating joong kept his eye linger to nine until he notice a little amount of strawberry syrup smeared in the corner of nine's lips, he reach for the tissue and wipe it off causing nine to look at him with wide eyes

" you eat like a kid, a little messy " he comment with a chuckle

" Its your fault, you made a delicious pancake that I could be careless if the syrup smeared all over my face " nine pout and blush, hearing the sound of joong's chuckle

" I will volunteer then.. To make breakfast for you so I could see your cute face while your eating "

" I'm always cute " blush nine but tried to cover it up with a cheeky comment

" I know, and you're not even trying " he felt butterflies squeal inside his stomach at joong's statement, turning his gaze down to not expose his burning face

" Uhm.. You think so? "

" Yep.. Everyone could tell that no wonder why everyone adores you, even those cute girls " confirm joong but a little sarcasm drew on his last words that nine was oblivious to detect

Meanwhile perth,pavel and earth wait for joong and spotted nine's bestfriends prolly waiting for nine. And since their friends will come together, they resume to walk and partially walk behind the other group

" I can't believe junho would be the first to have a date on, I supposed to be the one cause I'm the older..this world is so unfair " complain saint looking up at the sky

" dome is just a lucky one while we his phi had no luck" interject ben as he sigh like he was defeated

" We're happy though at least one of us finally step on dating stage " smiled saint easing dome who didn't talk because of the guilt he feel, having a date while his phi were still longing for their man

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