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Just getting into the story, bear with me kidzzzzz

Very sorry for spelling grammer etc. (as mentioned before, I am slightly dyslexic, also I might not spell all of the fandom words quite right either 😬)

Harry walked through platform 9 & 3/4 once more. How many times was this now? It's been a few and the world is sorta weighing him down. Getting quite heavy on his shoulders. 

He'd spent the summer doing up Grimmauld place. And by doing up he more meant lying on his bead, doing absoulutly nothing. Ron and Hermione told him that he was welcome down at their place they had bought just south of Little Whinging, harry technacially still had his house over there, but it was never really his, and so he had ended up just leaving it.

No, he had spent the whole summer lying on his bed. Because along with the horcrux that Voldermort had taken out of him, something else had gone as well. He had spent his whole life working the horcurx into his personality, it was part of who he was. He used it for his drive, he used it for his passion, and without it, nothing was quite the same. He felt like part of him was gone. 

Anyway, not only had he spent the whole summer lying on his bed, he spent the whole summer unable to sleep as well, unable to do anything infact. As soon as he began one thing, he found himself distracted by the next, and the next, and the next. That was why none of Grimmauld place was really done up properly yet. Because he just never got around to compleating any of it. He found himself snacking all of the time, losing shape, having no motivation. All in all, his life had gone compleatly out the window when the whole rest of the wizerding world was rejoicing, celebrating and happy about the defeat of voldermort. But the event that healed the rest of them, only served to brake him compleatly. That was the reason he had chosen to come back to hogwarts. Because hopefully someone could help him, find him something to do. At the very least classes could teach him to focus for more that 5 minites again. And the regimented school lifestyle might just give him the structure that he needs to actually FUNCTIOn. 

so, as he trudged through the platform at 9 & 3/4 he was, shall we say, not 100%

Draco on the other hand was feeling the exact opposite. He had spent the summer in his mansion, his dad had gone off to azcaban. Which wasn't IDEAL, because well he was his father, but they had never been close. And lucius had been quite clear about where his values stood on him, and the rest of the world that didn't include voldermort's devoted. He wasn't a particularly involved dad, maybe that was why he didn't really care? It was a little disturbing that the fact his father was in azcaban didn't affect him, but he couldn't exactly change it. It wasn't like his dad could influence the ministry anymore. 

His mum and him had talked over the fact that he was gay. his mum needed a bit of persuading, yes, he was DEFINETLY gay. No, it was not a phase. But whatever, he understood, Voldermorts regime wasn't what you would call accepting. 

He had also been coming to terms with the fact that maybe he wasn't to blame for all of the deaths during the war. His therapist (Lola) had told him that it wasn't his fault. And that he hadn't caused any death, or killed anyone anyway. Draco wasn't sure if he compleatly believed her, but it was safe to say that compared to the beginning of the summer when he was closeted, depressed and suacidal, he was feeling A LOT better. That was part of the reason he had come back to school, all throughout the past few years he had focused on himself, and all the things wrong with his own life. And he affected others really badly. Hopefully this year will give him a second chance. After all, who would be able to resits a repentant and sad and handsome and overall stunning DRACO MALFOY!

Of course it wasn't all peaches and cream, sometimes the fact that he had spent his whole life in an emotional blackmail of a prison caught up with him. Sometimes the things in his life didn't work out exactly the way he wanted them too. But thats okay, because at school it was all predictable, it would all work out the same, and he could tell himself exactly what would happen next

So as draco walked onto platform 9 & 3/4 he felt good. he pulled his luggage onto the train, and sat down in the fith carrige on the left, opposite where he normally sat (becuase his life needed a change) but not too far away that the trolly lady would come at different times. And he would be able to exit the train into exactly the same carrige as well! Thank Merlin for plans that went perfectly.

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