Chapter 1

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alright hopefully we get some actual story this time (I just go with it and sometimes it doesn't follow any direction - oops)

Harry was in his daze and just walked in and sat in a random compartment. He didn't try and find Ron and Hermione, they hadn't seen him since he had 'changed' and he wasn't sure if he was ready for them to see what a different person he was now. Walking in, he just sat down and went to sleep. At least when he was asleep his brain wasn't jumping around at 100mph. 

As Draco sat down on the train he popped his suitcase up, and rested his head against the window, the walk onto the train definitely took a bit out of him, all of the people looked at him like he was voldermort incarnate. And the traffic flow was HORRIBLE! 

When Draco woke up (he had drifted off) he saw harry across from him and he looked so cute. As always his tie wasn't quite right and he looked slightly unkept. But what he did notice was two things. First of all harry seemed worried, his facial expression, while asleep was normally relaxed (okay, Draco, we all know you have an unhealthy obsession with this particular wizard, but watching him while he sleeps is creepy, and you have clearly done it before!!!). And harry was also fussing with his thumb in his sleep, moving it around, clearly looking very frustrated and annoyed. 

So Draco tried something, he wasn't sure if it would work, but Harry was asleep, didn't even know he was in here (otherwise he WOULD NOT have sat down) and there didn't seem like that much of a downside. So he did it, he gently grabbed Harry's thumb and brought it up to his mouth. 

Harry immediately felt it at his lips and slipped it in. It was almost instantaneous, Harry's face relaxed immediately, he rolled over, and started suckling on it. Draco was kind of shocked. He had half expected harry to wake up, give him an evil stare and curse him into next week. But that hadn't happened. 

Draco had liked harry since 4th year. He had seen him at the quidditch games and he had looked so good and honestly really hot out of his school robes. At the games he had tried to impress Harry with his connections, but for some reason whenever he had tried to talk to him, it had never come out quite right. He had tried to discourage him from taking part in the tournament but that hadn't worked either.  And after that it had really gone downhill. Harry had just taken everything he knew about Draco and mixed it together with everything bad. Anyway, even though Draco had alwaysed looked at harry with admiration, Harry had definitely never felt the same way. 

But now on the train, Harry, although always looking attractive, was definitely worn out, there were bags under his eyes, his robes DID NOT look like the new ones he generally got every year, and Draco could see that his cheeks were sunken into his face. 

Harry woke up when the announcement came over the speaker 'arriving in 5 minutes'. He blearily opened his eyes, remembering his dream. He had been trying to study for the end of years, but for some reason kept feeling flustered and randomly crying all the time. Merlin, he thought, I had better not have cried out loud, thats not a good sight! What would everyone have thought?

He looked around his compartment and saw it was mostly empty apart from, wait a minute, was that Draco reading a book in the corner? Why on earth was he in the compartment with him, and how had Harry not noticed when he walked in. 

Before he could follow that thought much further he noticed something else. He was sucking on his thumb!!! what on earth was this? He must have put it in his mouth when he was asleep. But he hasn't sucked on his thumb since he was three, although, now he thought about it, it was quite soothing, calming, and maybe even pleasant? No, that wasn't possible, it was disgusting. Harry quickly took it out, he had kept it in for quite long enough, and if Draco ever caught him then he wouldn't hear the end of it.

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⏰ Última actualización: Aug 18, 2020 ⏰

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