Book Cover Competition

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This book cover competition is for the upcoming short story that I will write.

Here's what you all need to know about the upcoming story:

📝 Book Title: "Once Upon A Nightmare"

📝 Min Yoongi AU

📝 Short Story

📝 Genre: A little bit angst, complicated relationship for the MC's and a heartbreaking au but with a twist in the end

This story is a short one and I already had the plot written.

Unfortunately, there will be no cash prize involved in this competition as a reward.

The winner for this will have the chance to have his/her book cover be used for that story cover and either his/her username or real name will be dedicated to the book as well. 👏👏

And for those who won't win the competition, fret not for I will make sure your efforts won't go in vain.

Your wonderful art will definitely be featured on that book as well. 🎉🎉

Everyone is allowed to join the competition and the winner will be announced on the first week or second week of September.

Deadline of submission is after 'JAFNA' ends (August).

You can send the covers via email.

This is my email address:

For the voting of the winner, each of you will be the judge and gets to chose who will win the book cover competition. ✌️✌️

Voting mechanics:

You can vote for your fave book cover via Vote ⭐ in Wattpad. I will used it to determine the winner for this competition.

To everyone who will participate in this competition, I wish you all good luck!!! 👍👍👍

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