Chapter 2

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Tay's POV

All my life I had but one friend. Al Kingsleigh, an odd boy that justifies his oddity from his mother's genes. Had he ever asked, I'd say he was much odder than his predecessor.

The first time we met, I had called out his weird behaviours. His answer was unexpected to me, and before I knew it I had become drawn to the boy's mysterious charm.

He was a rather strange kid. The type to stand alone in the corner, keeping himself pleasantly occupied talking to the worms and roses in the garden. Our classmates made a silent vow to keep away from him, spreading rumours of spirit possession.

"Why do you keep following me?" he'd asked on the fourth day. I merely shrugged my shoulders, never truly vocalising my reasons. Perhaps it was because I hadn't realised it myself back then. Maybe I was too afraid to realise them.

A month after I continued to follow Al Kingsleigh, his mother invited me to a play date. It was a rather weird first meeting, as she spoke to me as if knowing me my whole life. It was not unpleasant, however, to have an adult hold my hands so gently.

Just as I thought I was getting accustomed to the Kingsleigh's oddity, they had shown me one more impossible thing. A land called Wonderland, befitting of the name I must say. In wonderland, the impossible felt possible; flowers that gossips and towers above you, card soldiers that waddles in a straight line, and talking animals with quirky personalities.

Had I never accepted their offer or had I not befriended the odd Al Kingsleigh, maybe I wouldn't feel this immense urge of longing. I would never have known of his existence, and perhaps led a normal, grey coloured life.

"I want to go back.." I whispered unconsciously. My heart skipped a beat, noticing Al's stiffened posture. Fortunately, he did not acknowledge what I had said as reality and continued walking.

Our walk back to our apartment was silent, with only the patter of our feet flowing between us. Al continued to stay within his mind, a habit I've known him to have since the beginning. "Do you really...want to go back?" he finally asked as I opened our apartment door.

I stayed stiff between the entrance for a moment, " I don't" I lied.

"Good" he walked passed me with a cold expression, "because we will never go back there."

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