Chapter 3

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These chapters are introductory chapter so they are meant to be kinda short. But basically. The real story starts next week :D

Perhaps it was the four shots of coffee he had this morning or the 5 hours of sleep he had squeeze out of his schedule, but Al was not in a good mood today. As he absently checked out a man's questionable grocery prefences ranging only of meat and cheese that could amount to a single cow, he couldn't help but feel like something was off. 

That morning, before leaving for work, Tay had acted stranger than usual, stranger than he'd admit even himself was odd. Tay did not once met his eyes and had a nervous expression as he spoke. He also decided to skip work today, which was not a very 'Tay' thing to do. The boy was a massive teacher's pet type. The types bosses like to keep around to do all the small errands because they knew he wouldn't ask for extra pay.

"Could you hurry up?" the man behind the counter sneered. Al looked at him and snorted, "I'm more of a hibernating bear than a rabbit. Though I do have a rabbit friend, but he's constantly late so I'm not sure if he would be faster than me." The man looked at him incredulously, "Weirdo"

Well, yes.

By the time his shift had ended, the sky had turned a darker shade of blue, almost twilight. He gazed up at the cold winter sky, the sky empty, not one star decorating it. Some may say it was rather bland, but Al found the blank sky rather comforting. The thought of no thoughts at all, no empty decorations put up to please those below them, just the naked sky. Almost like himself, in a way.

He chuckled to himself, what useless thoughts for a useless person. Sometimes his thoughts may sound like those of a depressed and deranged person, but he knew himself well that he'd only inherited those traits from his peculiar mother. Sometimes he wondered if he was actually an attachment of his mother that took a different form instead of her actual son; as he did not look nor act like his father at all. 

"Perhaps that was for the best" he muttered towards the empty sky. 


Al arrived at his apartment thirty minutes later, taking his sweet time enjoying the scene as he walked. When he'd arrived, he dropped everything on the floor and stood mortifyingly still as the scene of his only friend, standing on top of the window pane, was the first thing he saw. 

"TAYLOR!" he yelled in shock. Tay flinched at the sound of his name and turned around, his grip of the walls slipping. The scene moved in slow motion as Al saw the terrified look of his his as he slowly descended from the window. 

Without much thinking, he ran towards the window, jumping out with him, his hands reached out to grab his falling friend. He outstretched his hand enough to grip Tay's shirt in the midst of falling, pulling his whimpering friend into his chest and switching their position until his back faced the group, holding his friend in a tight embrace. 

As the painful cold wind crashed through his skin, the reality of the situation finally hit him. They were falling to their deaths, through five stories towards the hard concrete streets full of random passerbyes.

Fear struck him quick. Not fear of death, but fear for his friend who was whimpering and hugging his waist in a bone crushing embrace. For the first time in his life, he regretted not being religious as he had no God to pray to for their safety. 

He took a sharp inhale, pulling Tay's head into his chest to shield his vision, preparing for the hard impact. 

But it never came.

Mad's In Love! -bxb-Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt