Chapter 1

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Jace's POV
I have been traveling for a couple days now, and it feels as if the forest is endless despite the nearby town that I went to. My mind has raced with questions and concerns. What happened, Where did everyone go, were my two biggest questions I had. After seeing the two animal looking creatures when I woke up, made me wonder how long I was in there. It was nighttime and I was sitting by the fire I made, thinking. I pulled out a picture of me and Blake, and looked at it. I sighed, knowing that he must also be scared and confused also. As I sat there, pondering, a creeping pain started to form in my chest then my body.

My body felt like it was going to pull itself apart, as I laid on my side, waiting for the pain to pass. After what felt like an hour, it dissipated, and I felt sore and weak. I slowly pushed myself up to sit. Over the past couple of days, the pain had been getting worse but it was ever so slightly. I do not know why this was happening, most likely due to what T-Cell did. The reason why I knew Blake was also associated with them. I had been experimented on after a sever car accident, where my family presumed me dead. I thought my life was over till I learned that they pulled Blake in. I wasn't at the site where he was but I did everything I could to find him, but alas it was futile. I could never escape, but before I was put under in the tube, when the last few humans alive were with me, they told me that a monster cussed the destruction of humanity, one they called Nemesis. They didn't tell me much except that I was designed to hunt and kill this creature.

They also told me that my brother Blake, had been put in cryosleep by a fellow scientist at the site they had him at. They gave me the location, but with no map, I can't possibly find it. As I became sleepy I payed on my back, looking up at the stars. Shortly after I fell asleep.

Blake's POV
As I got ready for the day, I walked out to the living room and saw Sal and the others waiting. They all wore a suit similar to my Nemesis suit but more of a hoodie style. Upon entering they noticed me they showed they were ready to go. Then my wives came in. They looked worried but I knew it was because they worried for their kids who just recently got kidnapped and are now being asked to help hunt down what was transported out of the terrorist facility. I hugged each of them and comforted them, doing the best I can to assure them that they would be okay. When I got to Sarah, she held me in a tight embrace. She then whispered in my ear.

Sarah: Please be careful.

Blake: I will, you have always known that.

We separated and I could see tears forming in her eyes. I wiped them away and smiled.

Sarah: Bring them home safe, okay?

Blake: I will, I promise.

She smiled and hugged me again, before we left. As we walked outside, we saw Dr Fleeck and Brittney waiting next to a large transport vehicle.

Dr. Fleeck: All set?

Blake: Yes, and it looks like you accommodated for us?

He smiled.

Dr. Fleeck: you could say that.

He then motioned is to get in, and we did so, finding that there was space for all of us, as we then drove away. As we traveled outside of the town, I decided to ask Dr. Fleeck some questions.

Blake: So Dr. Fleeck, where exactly are we going?

Dr. Fleeck: Government airstrip. We will be taking a plane to where we will be working from. It will be a ten hour flight so, best be prepared for the long trip.

Blake: Do we have any leads on where we will be starting?

Dr. Fleeck: Yes, we have gotten confirmation that several groups on the east coast have gotten some of the shipments from the facility that was destroyed last week. We don't know what they got so, we will have to be cautious as we try to bring them down.

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