A boy I once love

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Their once was boy I had love when I seven

Even if he was 2 years older then me, he was still so, so very kind

I could still remember a time had cry and he showed me the soft bunnies that took my tears away..

The boy jump and play with me

I still remember when we played princess and the frog, I was the princess and you were the frog that turn into my handsome prince

I had even loved that he had played dolls with me...

The boy I had once loved had faded away through the years

we don't speak no more

or play dolls

The boy was never my prince, he was his own princess that was waiting for his own prince.


Their once was boy I had love when I seven

His memory soon been locked away in my mind as if it been shoved in a deep chest then chained, lock and thrown in the deep oceans...

The boy I had once love is way to painful to remember

Not because he could never love me the same way how I loved him

The boy had loved was a great person and amazing friend

But the boy I hade love was beaten by his father...

When I was seven, I saw the boy that I wanted to call love being towered over by his father

I watch in terror as the boy who's only a feet or two taller then me being punch so hard that he slam's against the wall behind.

I was





I couldn't help the boy I loved so much

And it was all my fault... or at least what my father had said

The boy I held so dearly in my heart...

Was beating because of all the games, all the times I sneak some dolls for him and me to play


Not for boys... Thou I think those things should be for all, but he was beaten for my opinion

On that same day my father had told me one more thing that night...

And I will quote his words of what he told his 7 year old daughter

"I thought you would of done something"

I am trash

I am nothing

I am the worst

I am shit

I was so scared to the point that I didn't save the boy I love when I was seven from that beast...

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