Chapter 5

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The rhythmic thump of dance music vibrated out of the nightclub. Temperance watched the spotlights twirl above them, piercing through the dark cavern disturbing colonies of bats. She turned to stare up at the neon sign for Poseidon's Pit and avoided looking at the man in front of her who kept leering back. The queue shuffled forward two more places, her shoes squishing on soggy cigarette butts.

Another beer bottle smashed into the gutter nearby. There were people milling around and numerous fights had already broken out.

"How much longer do you think we'll have to wait? It's been nearly an hour already," Temperance asked, glancing back at Emery as she snuggled under her boyfriend Alexander's arm. He was the same height as the lupa, with thick brown hair that fell over cold eyes that were always scrutinising Temperance. She never felt comfortable around him. His friends weren't much better; they chatted and joked beside him, nudging each other and glancing at her. The taller of the two kept running his hands through his black hair, slicking it back against his head and winking at her.

"It's the most popular nightclub in Carwick below." Emery shrugged.

Temperance folded her arms with a grunt. Everyone else around her seemed to be having a good time waiting, calling to people up and down the line.

The man in front of her twisted around completely and grinned. Temperance gave a long low sigh. They all filed forwards again and he disappeared inside. The security guard at the entrance stared down at her. She gave him a weak smile and tried not to fidget. The thick muscles of his arms flexed under his spandex T-shirt as he pointed at her and Emery.

He spoke directly to Alexander. "Are they faey?"

"Of course, can't you tell she's a werewolf?" Alexander jostled Emery forward.

Temperance bit her lip and tried not to flinch when his eyes swept over her again. The man gave her one last look and waved them inside. They took the final few steps to the ticket desk where another huge security guard stood blocking the sign advertising the entry fee. Temperance rose up on her toes and stretched forward to ask the price. Before she had a chance, one of Alexander's friends stopped her.

"Two, please." He stretched out his arm and dropped a wad of crumpled notes onto the polished wooden desk. Temperance noticed he wore an expensive watch with sparkling stones dotted along the face. A lock of his dark hair slipped over his forehead and he flicked it back in place. "I've got this."

"No, I have -" Temperance pulled at the zipper on her bag and it snagged on the fabric. She started to yank at it.

"Relax," he said with a wink.

"Temperance!" Emery hissed and gave her a stern look. Temperance dropped her hand with a sigh.

"Thanks," she muttered to him. He grinned at her and she felt his hand rest on the small of her back as he led her inside. Temperance glanced back at Emery who smirked. Just beyond the ticket booth, Temperance stepped to the side, out of his reach.

"Let's wait for the others." She had to yell over the pounding music to be heard.

They were in a corridor between two sets of double doors, one that led into the club and one back outside. It was dark and smoky. The floor vibrated with the music, it rose up through her feet. She wondered how the werewolves were managing with their heightened senses.

The wizard shrugged and put his hands in his pockets. His shorter friend joined them, the lights dancing over his pale blond hair. They both grinned down at Temperance like they were recalling a joke at her expense. She tapped her fingers against her thigh. When Emery finally reappeared, she grabbed her arm and dragged her down away from them.

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