Chapter 6

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Temperance sprinted forward, shoving her way through people. She heard Fenrir shout, but ignored him and tried to keep Emery's blonde hair in sight. When she finally reached her, the rest of their group had re-joined them, along with a security guard. He had a fierce expression; he herded them through a camouflaged door and out onto a side street.

"No domestics in the Pit!" he said, slamming the steel door closed.

The clang rang out on the chilly air. Graffiti and mouldy posters were plastered across the walls. There was a smell of rotting food and stale urine. Under a rusted bridge just down from them, Temperance saw the outlines of dark shapes huddled together over empty oil barrels.

"Give me back my tablets, Alexander." Emery sniffed, holding her hand out for her bag, her fingers trembling. "This is why I'm dumping you - you're a thief!"

"They're the only reason I was with you in the first place." Alexander pulled out a little amber bottle and rattled it. Tapping out two pills, he swallowed them then chucked Emery's bag to the ground, kicking it towards her.

"Careful, you've already taken four," the taller of his friends warned.

"Shut up, Rob," Alexander hissed.

Behind them, Weston was growling; his back was against the wall and he was crouched down low, staring at them. Emery put her hands over her face; her shoulders started shaking with her sobs. Temperance moved to her side to place an arm around her.

"Look at the pair of them, a mangy bitch and a freak. Who knows what the hell you are, Levinthal," Alexander sneered. He moved closer to them and bent down to face Emery. "I always wanted to know what it would be like to sleep with a lupa. Who knew it would be so disappointing. Now I just feel dirty having been with an animal."

The wizards sniggered. Temperance glared at them and stepped forward. She clenched her fists.

"Look, I've made the freak angry," Alexander smirked.

He fisted his hand; Temperance felt her throat constrict. She coughed and stumbled back from him, grasping at her neck. There was nothing solid to pull away, but it felt as if a tight band was squeezing and digging into her skin. Wheezing, she started to choke and her lungs began to burn. She dropped to her knees.

"I think I'd be doing society a favour, exterminating you."

"Leave her alone," Weston snarled.

The wizard released Temperance. She heaved in a large shuddering breath, feeling as if she'd just broken through the surface of water. Gasping for air, she fell to her knees with her hand still on her throat. Alexander turned towards Weston. The wizard paused and straightened, closing his eyes in ecstasy.

"There we go." He sucked in a breath through his clenched teeth and shook his head. "Got to love the feeling of invincibility these pills give you, it's a rush!"

Without warning, he gave a loud scream and flew forward, his face drawn back in an animalistic snarl. There was a frenzied look in his eyes. He slammed his fist into the werewolf's stomach. The wizard's knuckles dug in and were lost in the folds of the boy's jacket. Weston doubled over, coughing, saliva and blood splattering onto the ground. Alexander jerked back and bared his teeth. He started dancing on the balls of his feet. Throwing up his arms, he punched the air.

"Come on, show me what you got!"

With a wild shout, Weston swung back and punched him in the jaw. Alexander stumbled away. He tripped over an empty beer bottle and toppled to the ground, smacking his head against the concrete. Weston crouched down low, with his hands out, almost like he was in a wrestling match. He was growling in the back of his throat. He stared down at Alexander, ready for the next strike, but the wizard didn't move. Temperance held her breath as Rob stepped closer with a frown.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2020 ⏰

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