A Surprise

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Harry groaned and shoved his head under his pillow in a vain attempt to block out the incessant knocking early one morning. Who could be up so early to travel all the way to the Burrow? Suddenly from the nether regions of his sleep induced brain Harry remembered. There was only a week before the start of term and if he didn't get up soon he would miss the chance to greet his godfathers!

Harry scrambled out of bed and looked over to see Ron snoring obnoxiously. He shook his head and allowed him to continue resting. As much as Harry loved the Weasleys they could be a bit much to handle and if Ron was in a bad mood, the day would get to be unbearable.

After dressing quickly and rushing downstairs, two at a time, Harry stopped outside the kitchen to hear voices drifting in through the doorway. He grinned and burst in to witness Sirius and Remus jump apart, both blushing wildly. Harry pretended not to notice and jumped into their arms, hugging them fiercely to him.

"I wasn't expecting you to actually show up!" He exclaimed.

"We aren't that bad are we Moony?" Sirius asked.

"I didn't think so but now I'm seriously reconsidering." Remus whispered back.

"Of course we would Harry! Without the war we don't have many other responsibilities to keep up with so we have more time to spend with you. Now let's sit down, I'm starving." Remus' stomach growled in agreement.

Mrs Weasley entered, looking surprised yet pleased to see Harry already sitting at the table eagerly awaiting her famous breakfast with his father figures sitting across from him.

As she started cooking, Sirius turned to Harry apprehensively and opened his mouth to speak.

"So how are you Harry? Excited to go back to Hogwarts for the last time?" Remus interrupted, nudging Sirius harshly in the side to get him to keep quiet.

"Yeah. It's kind of bittersweet though because I'll miss the castle but I can't wait to get started on becoming an Auror."

Sirius glanced at Remus, wincing in pain, questioning the jab but before any more could be said, Mrs Weasley set down three plates of eggs and bacon using her wand.

"Eat up dears! Honestly I will never understand how you three can possibly be so skinny with the amount of food I force feed you."

"It's all part of the genetics Molly." Sirius winked before facing his plate and, following Remus and Harry's example, digging in.

Between mouthfuls Harry objected, "We're not actually all related by blood you know. That makes no sense."

"Hush, you."

Eventually, one by one, all the Weasleys, with the exception of the twins who were staying in the apartment above their shop, were seated at the table and munching happily.

Sirius and Remus exchanged looks and cleared their throats at the same time before chuckling.

"Harry, could we speak to you?" Remus spoke after finishing his meal.

"Sure. Thanks Mrs Weasley. Breakfast was delicious as usual." Harry said.

The two older men faced their godson, looking nervous once more.

"So what did you want to tell me?"

"Well... I uh... you see Harry-"

"Remus and I are going out! We kiss, hold hands, love each other very much and we even live together!" Sirius blurted out.

For a while Harry just stared blankly at them. It seemed he could not comprehend what they were trying to tell him. Around him, everyone stared on in silence. Most of them had known and were all waiting anxiously for his reaction. Finally, when the tension was becoming too much for the family, Harry opened his mouth.

"Well duh!"

"Wait you're not shocked? You don't think it's absolutely horrendous that your godfathers are together?"Remus clarified.

"Of course not! That would be pretty hypocritical of me. Besides it's not hard to see how you guys look at each other. I bet even Ron knew!"

Ron looked up from his food gormlessly. "Huh?"

"Maybe not." Hermione excused for him, making a 'carry on' gesture.

"What do you mean 'hypocritical'?" Remus asked shrewdly.

Harry blushed, smiling sheepishly.

"Well.. I might've.. um... discoveredmyfeelingsforDracoandmeningeneral." He ended in a rush.

"WHAT?!" Everyone in the room screamed.

"Malfoy? Really Harry? He's bullied us all for years!" Hermione cried.

"He changed sides didn't he? He really helped us and I honestly don't think we could've won without the information he provided!" Harry defended.

"Ugh whatever! But if he breaks your heart I will take every opportunity to say I told you so!"

"WAIT WHAT?!?!" Ginny shrieked, late to the party.

"Sorry Ginny I never loved you and I view you as a sister anyway, so please don't make this relationship any creepier. After all you bear a strong resemblance to my mother."

A/N: this is pretty rough and only proofread a few times and I think there's definitely at least one mistake I missed but here you are. Ta da!

So what do you think? Assuming anyone reads this anyway.

Feel free to criticise but no hate please. This is the first time I'm letting the public read what I write.

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