Hogwarts (Epilogue)

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A week had passed since Harry's confession, with little event. Now he stood in front of the Hogwarts Express, reminiscing his first year where he met his adopted family for the first time, where he met the brightest witch of his age and embarked on the greatest adventure of his young life.

The Golden Trio spent the train ride discussing their futures and looking forward to spending a final year at their second home in peace. As they stepped off they greeted Hagrid who started weeping. He apparently couldn't take his favourite students leaving permanently, leaving the Trio to awkwardly sidle away.

Entering the Great Hall, Harry spotted Draco Malfoy leaning against a wall in a corner of the room sullenly. Leaving his friends with a vague excuse, he approached his crush to confront his feelings.

"What do you want Potter?" Unlike his usual snarky mood from the past, Draco sounded tired.

"I just wanted to talk!" Harry raised his hands in defence.

"Speak then. I'm busy." Draco spat, starting to leave. Harry picked up his pace and started walking with him.

"How are you?" He blurted after a silence. Draco quirked an eyebrow and Harry swore he could detect a hint of a smile but maybe that was just in his imagination.

"I'm fine. Why are you following me?" Draco shot back, presumably to cover up his amusement.

They came to a stop. Harry fidgeted with his hands, tracing the vile scars from that foul Umbitch.

"I.. I uh..."

"Spit it out!"


"You do?!" Draco froze in shock

"Uhm no?"

"You do! You like me!" Draco was beaming now and Harry could only take it as a positive reaction.

"Fine I do. Do you?"

"Do I what?" He was smirking now, regaining some of his old confidence.

"Do you like me, you pompous prat?!" Harry was getting incredibly flustered and impatient.

In answer, Draco pushed Harry into a nearby broom cupboard and kissed him, softly at first and getting more passionate by the second. Harry sighed and melted into Draco's arms.

"Well at least I know my godfathers won't have a problem with this." Harry managed to get out before being ravaged by his lover.

The end ;)

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