Your hair is really soft!

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     Hoseok's been living with a ... human plastic duck for two days now. Perhaps he's been unknowingly drugged for two days, or he's been sleeping for two days, or he's been sleeping for a few hours but he just had a dream for two days. In short, the boy who appeared out of nowhere in his bath didn't leave the next morning and he keeps sticking Hoseok like a puppy.

Of course it would have been easier to understand the intentions of this so-called Jungkook by allowing him to speak.
Exept the problem is, every time he speaks Hoseok feels like he's going crazy. So it's no wonder he tied a scarf around his mouth.

Maybe it was a little too much and it's only now, Jungkook dipping his feet in a basin of water and squealing to death to be able to talk, that Hoseok regrets his gesture.

"What? Why are you being so loud? "

He asks, his spoon filled with cereals in his mouth.

A whine for answer.

Sighing at the situation, the brunette gets up half-heartedly from his chair to stand in front of the mute. He looks at him with weary eyes and then unties the scarf, freeing the young man's mouth.

" - Ew, that's disgusting."

Hoseok complains as he sees a stream of drool following the cloth and coming off the boy's lips.

As soon as he is free of the discomfort, the young boy rises abruptly and bends over to a panicking Hoseok to gently place his hand on his head.
Hoseok stands still, not understanding the situation and secretly feeling intimidated by their proximity.

Jungkook eventually remove his hand and shows his palm to Hoseok. A spider walks quietly on his fingers, causing a small muffled cry from the older one.

"Oh my God, take it out, take it out! "

He cries out, stepping backwards, eyes wide open.

Jungkook does so and gently places the spider on the window sill before flicking it off into the distance. He then closes the window and turns back to Hoseok with a smile on his face.

"Your hair is really soft! "

He drops, the corner of his lips red from the scarf a little earlier, as if nothing had happened.

Huh? What's that guy's problem? He's weird and acting weird.
Squinting his eyes at the compliment, Hoseok tousles his hair in case another monster is hiding in it and he lets out a long sigh as he sees the brown-haired man staring at him.

"Okay. I'm gonna need you to explain this to me again.

He pinches his lips and frowns.

- Not that I mind keeping a stranger in my house who says I called him and who needs to be moistened every few hours, but I do mind.

He says with the strictest possible expression.

• • •

"- So, as I was saying, I'm the duck you put in the water last time. When I'm underwater, I can take on my true shape which is the one you see now. My creator wanted to make human-like beings who could fulfill human desires.

Explains Jungkook in a way that's too normal for Hoseok, who still doesn't know if this is a big joke...

- I have been designed to know the needs of my user and to satisfy them.

Jungkook stops for a few seconds before resuming:

- For example, right now you need headache medicine and solace.

- What- what- No I-

- I'm also sensing something else deeper that you've seemed to be repressing for some time. Do you want me to help you to-

- That's enough! All right, okay. This is completely stupid. I'm tired of talking to myself and making up weird scenarios just because I'm lonely! I'm getting out of this house right now! "

Hoseok exclaimed, hastily putting on his shoes and then covering his freshly dressed body with a coat and running away from his own home.

• • •

Hoseok has no excuse to not come back home, but he is terrified. Even if his new "friend" seems to be relatively defenseless, he can't help but being freaking scared about the whole situation. How is it even possible? He never stopped thinking about it and the only plausible conclusion he came to was that he is has become definitively nuts.
This Jungkook or whatever his name isn't real. There is no way a plastic duck can turn into a human like person even if the duck in question is from Jimin. 
Wait Jimin... 
He must know something, but if he asks him and that everything isnt real, he'll think Hoseok is crazy.
He has no choice, asking Jimin is the only way to know if he IS insane or not.

Hoseok take reluctantly his phone and starts messaging him.

Hobi : Hey Jiminie, got a question for you 

Jiminie : Hey hey Hoseokie what can I do for you ? 

Hobi : Hm... remember the plastic duck you gifted me a while ago ?

Jiminie : Oh ? Yeah yeah I do, why ? 

Hobi : Do you know anything special about him ?
I mean *it !!

Jiminie :  What do you mean ..?

Hobi : Uh... 
Like something strange or ...

Jiminie : Hobi 
You finally used it ???

Hobi : What ?

Jiminie : Did you put him in the water ? 

Hobi : Why do you say him .
And yeah I did

Jiminie : OMG
So it worked ?! 
Oh god, Taetae was right !

Hobi : Wtf 
Jimin I dont understand...
You knew the duck was human ?????

Jiminie : Meet me at my home at four, I'll explain everything to you 
Ah ! And bring the duck with you !

Hobi : OK... You better have a good explanation 

• • •

What on earth was that ? He would have preferred that none of this was real, that he was basically sleep-deprived and that's all. 
Hoseok put his phone in his pocket, face washed of all expression and begins to walk. 
He needs to sleep. He needs to come back home, ignore the "man", fall on his bed and fucking  SLEEP .


I'm so sorry for being so slow ;-; 
I want to continue this ff so I'll keep on updating time to times
If I made any mistakes, please tell me so that I can correct it

It was supposed to be just a smutty ff but I'm feeling shy >-<
Dont worry I'll write the smut :,) 

Anyways, I hope you liked it ! 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2020 ⏰

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