Chapter 31

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Rose woke up wet from head to toe. She felt really dizzy and could tell she was bleeding from somewhere. Memories of what had happened flooded her mind. She remembered being dragged by the wave, getting hit by trees... She tried to stand up, but soon learned that her mechanical leg had been taken by the wave. She was bleeding more and more and could feel heartburn, but all she cared about at that moment was Scorpius and the kids. She was too weak to aparate alone, she looked around to see if she found someone. She saw someone running towards her.

"Aparate? Aparate?" the woman kept asking with a funny accent.

"Yes." Rose nodded weakily.

"Where to? Where to?" the women asked again. It seemed to be the only English she spoke.

"Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry." Rose said allowing the woman to take her in her arms as they aparated away.

They had aparated to the hospital wing of the school. Madam Pomfrey opened her eyes wide of shock seeing Rose's current condition. She was dirty of mud and blood and she only had half a leg. Of course, Madam Pomfrey already knew about Rose's leg situation, but never imaniged seeing her without the mechanical leg.

"Help me put her on the bed." said Madam Pomfrey abandoning the kid she was helping.

As they put Rose up, Rose grabbed a bucket and started vomiting things that she had swallowed wen in the wave.

As soon as she stopped, Madam Pomfrey said, "Let me call your family."

"No, no, don't." Rose cried, "I don't want them to see me like this. The kids don't even know I have a fake leg."

"Okay, okay." said Madam Pomfrey.

"Find my family, please find them." cried Rose again to the lady that had brought her here, but she didn't seem to understand what Rose was saying.


"Sir, it's been ten days." said Stephano, "we need to go back."

"You have two kids, Derek and Isabella, am I right?" asked Ron.

"Yes, sir." responded Zabini.

"Then you go." said Ron, "We don't need you here anyway."

"She's not here." said Albus approaching them alongside with the picture of Rose on his hand.

"The woman over there said that she found Rose and helped her aparate." said Albus.

"Where to?" asked Ron.

"She doesn't speak much English. I showed her the picture and she nodded. She could barely say aparate, when I asked where. She kept saying school." said Albus.

"Could it be Hogwarts?" asked Scorpius.

Suddenly Scorpius looked into a distance. He saw the leg, the same mechanical leg, the same fireworks of electricity he was astonished with one tournament in his 6th year.

"Rose's leg." said Scorpius amazed. He picked it up.

"Let's go to Hogwarts and see if she is there." said Zabini as everyone aparated away.


"We'd like to speak to Professor McGonagall." Scorpius said to Professor Flitwick.

"Ah, yes, very well. This way, but only one person must go in as she's a busy women." said Flitwick.

Scorpius walked in, "Professor, I was wondering if Rose had decided to aparate here after the tsunami hit."

"Yes, she has-" said professor McGonagall.

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