Chapter 40

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Hermione aparated home along with Rose, who could barely walk and would trip every step she took.

When they got there, Ron was laying lazily on the couch reading the Prophet. Ron stared at them, surprised at Hermione's angry face and Rose's tipsy one.

After a few seconds of silence, Hermione finally spoke, "Go on, tell your father what you've done."

"Oh daddy," Rose said with her proudest voice, and layed next to her dad smiling, "I shagged Malfoy."

"And when I asked her she told me it wasn't like it was the first time." said Hermione.

"With Malfoy?" asked Ron worried

"With anyone, at least that's what your daughter said." said Hermione.

"What if she's pregnant with a Malfoy kid?" Ron put his hands in his hair, "What if she's pregnant with his child?"

"Shut up, calm down and take her to bed." said Hermione.

Ron did as she said.

The next morning Rose woke completely tired. Only Ron was in the house, when Rose came down he wouldn't dare to make eye contact with her.

"So, I'm working at the WWW." said Rose breaking the awkward silence

Hermione shoots from the door and throws two slim boxes in the table. Both of them seemed to be pregnancy tests.

"Go upstairs and take these with you." Hermione told Rose.

Rose just stood and stared.

"We have 10 minutes before you have to leave for WWW so go pee on the stick." Hermione shouted.

Rose was actually quite worried. She'd never taken a pregnancy test before and this time she wasn't sure if she had or had not used the spell contraceptions she'd normally do.

She took the pregnancy test and waited anxiously for results. They were negative. She was not pregnant. She ran downstairs.

"Take a look for yourself." Rose threw the tests on the counter. They bounced off the counter, one landing on Hermione's tea and the other on the Roast dinner Hermione was preparing. Rose gulped hard and checked for the nearest exits as her mother looked angrier and angrier with her.

"Rose Jean Weasley. " Hermione shouted, "What the bloody hell did you just do?"

"They were negative, I swear." Rose shrieked, backing away from Hermione slowly.

"Off to work, right now. I can't bear another second with this irresponsible behavior of yours. What has gotten into you this year?" Hermione shouted.

"Apparently Malfoy did." Ron muttered rather loudly. Rose started blushing hard and aparated to work.

She was at the WWW store in Hogsmead. Scorpius was already working with his scarlet polo shirt and black jeans. He smiled at Rose.

She walked over to the counter where he was at, "Hey. Are your parents mad?"

"Not really. They think I've picked the right girl. Since your family kind of saved mine, they're just thankful that I've found away to thank you." He said leaning in for a kiss which she returned. George walked in the store and creeped being them. Noticing his presence, the two lovers break apart.

"Mooorning." Said George. Rose and Scorpius blushed and got back to work.

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