Question 1

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If a-troupe gets to go to nationals (if they make a season 8) who would you want to be the second alternate? ~ @-sunflower22

For me this question has quite a few layers.

First of all it really should be B-troupe going to nationals, but if it has to be A-troupe it would really depend.

Technically it should  be Cleo, because before she won the alternate auditions so it would be right. However Cleo may not even want to go to nationals with A-troupe as she would not want to be an alternate. Cleo by now also has a lot of loyalty to B-troupe so she may not want to leave the team. And of course she may not want to dance without Jude. Dancing without Jude may cause a rift in the relationship.

On a personal level I would choose Izzy. She is of course one of my favourite character so I would love to see more of her. Her being on A-troupe also increases the chances of Heathizzy. If you didn't know they are my favourite along with Pinn. It would also give opportunity's for cute sibling moments with Ozzy. But then again she strikes me as a very loyal person so she also may not want to leave B-troupe. So perhaps no B-troupers would be brought up and instead a completely new person.

However I would actually overall choose no one. The team already has an alternate which I think would probably be enough (never know though, TNS has dRaMa). Nick is already going to have to demote one of the team so I think it would be wise as to not have two. And if you're wondering, no I would not necessarily choose Heath to be the alternate in this scenario. He has more than proved himself and is considerably more reliable then Summer or Richelle. I think Nick should assess the dancing and dedication of the dancers and then make a decision based on that. I can safely say I would feel very sorry for Nick while he makes that choice.

A/n: ...Well I guess technically it's all an authors note. But anyway that's the first question complete! I hope the @ worked by the way. And leave thoughts and questions in the comments!

Serena x

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