Some things about me

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Some quick fire things about me :)

Favourite season of TNS?
Season 6 by far. It's just vibes with me right. Also I just wanna say quickly that season 7 was a season 4 vibe. See question 3 on a previous chapter. They were trying new things.

Favourite character on TNS?
Izzy. Fight me on it. She's the best.

Favourite crack ship on TNS?
Heathozzy, Kingstozzy or Pipzy. Or Ozzy with basically anyone.

Favourite oneshot I've written?
3 times Ozzy got it wrong and 1 time he was right. It's in the Heathizzy book if you didn't know. Apparently I grew to like it after all.

Favourite TV show? (Apart from TNS)
You might not of heard it but it's a show called The Night Shift. It's a medical drama but with less drama. It's also fairly medically accurate as far as TV shows go which I like. I want to be a doctor when I'm older so that probably part of the reason I like it. It's on Netflix if anyone wants to watch it. (Edit: Not me watching it for the fifth time. Even worse the iPad I'm watching it on is leaning on my medical dictionary. 👁👄👁)

Favourite YouTuber atm? (Other than mockingariana3 of course)
It's called 'Dr Mike'. You can probably guess it's a doctor. He's actually got quite a lot of subscribers so you might know him. I think it's like 6 million? Yeah, I really, really want to be a doctor.

Favourite movie (series)?
The Harry Potter series. Especially the third and fourth one. The actors peaked then. And I stand by that.

Favourite book (series)?
The divergent series. If you haven't read it, you should. Uriah is ✨iconic✨. And we stan a good female lead. And top tip, the movies are trash compared to the books. A stand alone book I like a lot also is 'All Rights reserved'. It's really good. I read quite a lot of dystopian society books. And well...anything. I love reading. It's actually the reason I got Wattpad in the first place, I finished all my books (again) and was looking for something to read. I found lots in the tns fandom. So that's where I mainly live on wattpad.

Favourite subject at school?
Maths. I'm weird. I might be the only person alive who actually likes it. Food technology comes in a close second. Although according to my English teacher I'm really good at English as well. I disagree, I write the randomest stuff on here and it definitely isn't good. I also really like biology and chemistry. But not physics. Those are numbers I'm not interested in getting involved in. I also like History.

Any pets?
Yes, I have a cairn terrier named Biscuit. He's actually sitting right next to me as I write this. He says hi.

Play any sports?
I mostly play netball but I do a fair amount of hockey. I also used to swim competitively but I quit that because I wasn't enjoying it anymore. Haven't done any of those in a while though because of coronavirus. Got to maintain those social distancing rules.

Play any instruments?
I've played piano along time so I'm on grade eight now. I also play the flute as a second instrument. That's not my main focus so I'm only on grade 6 for that. To be fair I have been doing piano for a couple of years more though. If anyone has seen that TikTok trend to the song 'End of the night' then I can confirm you do land on your pinky and there is in fact no triplet at the end. I've been doing this stuff along time. I know what I'm talking about. It's like the only thing that I'm actually good at.

Favourite colour?
Either light blue or light purple. Or maybe rose gold. But I change my mind on this like every week. Last week it was the colour peach.

Favourite chocolate bar?
Crunchie. Although it's always been an internal debate of mine whether its really a chocolate bar. It's mostly honeycomb.

Favourite ice cream flavour?
Cookie dough. Or strawberry cheesecake. Kinda random but they taste good. Even though they don't sell it in most places.

Salty or sweet popcorn?
Salty. I hate sweet popcorn. With a passion. Don't give me that stuff. Ever.

Star sign?
I'm a Virgo. I don't really know anything about astrology so I couldn't tell you what that means. Astrology is something I really want to do some looking into, it's so fascinating. I just keep procrastinating. Oh yeah that's me. The ceo of procrastination. That's why I tend to write late at night, I need to update but I'll put it off. It's ok though, I'm less likely to get distractions when everyone else is asleep.

A/n: So that's some stuff about me. It was extremely random but I hope you found it interesting! This chapter was actually really fun to write so I didn't even procrastinate!

Also as you may or may not know I am planning to write a tns season 8 book. Question for everyone, how do you write in a dance? Before I start I've got to figure it out and as I can't actually dance (sad) I'm really struggling. If someone knows please help me.

If you want to ask me any questions please leave them in the comments and I also feel free to answer any of the questions with your own answers! Hope everyone had/has a great day!

Serena x

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