Elude in Hotland

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         Elude was curious of what happened. He looked back at The Scientist and see that she was replaced by another monster who wore black. That Scientist looked straight at him with floating hands hovering around him which was replaced back with The Scientist which is waving. Elude nervously waved back. The checkup was done as he was away in thought. One of the colleagues which looks like a younger robot version of her walked up to her and shared the data. The Scientist sounds like she changed her mind about looking after him and wanted to study him in her actual lab. The Royal Guard nodded and left the lab. The Scientist however walked over to him and looked at him closer. She then told Elude to follow her into the elevator. Elude went inside the elevator with her and they descended into the official lab. The Scientist rests her large reptilian tail on his shoulder before leaving the elevator into an area full of technology. The arms moves as if they were actually connected to her and moved forward and clapped. The Scientist showed where Elude would be staying and takes the cuffs off of him.

        There was a little area with a bed but it was closer to a hospital bed. The Scientist told him to empty his pockets, remove the bag and the glasses and lay on the bed. Elude removed his things and laid on the bed. The Scientist had a high tech camera look at him more closely and she found that there was glittering fragments on his sweater and hair. The Scientist finds it interesting. She program a vacuum to clean up all of the fragments off of Elude and he starts feeling better. The fragments collected together became a Scatter Piece. The Scattered Piece look like a small black gemstone. The light from the stone makes the tube darker than the light around it. The Scientist inspects it closely before running it in her machines and finds out that it reacts like a cooled piece of core. The Scientist found Elude problem as he felt much better now and nothing seems to be flickering. Elude sits up after the vacuum moves away and begun putting his stuff back on which his backpack was getting vacuumed too until he reached for them. However this was just the beginning of experiments she wants to conduct on him.

         The Scientist begins giving Elude a ton of Quizzes, Exams and Physicals. Elude was very tired from running and durability tests. The Scientist advise him to sleep and Elude does so. While Elude was resting, The Scientist was calculating the data she have gotten from Elude. Elude feels like he went deeper into his dreams and everything became more real. The Scientist looks through her notes while calculating and finds out that Elude have a very powerful soul. The Scientist comes down to wake Elude up and he woke up rubbing his eyes surprised that he wasn't in his usual purple room. He got up and they went back to The Lab above to discuss her discoveries with her colleagues. The Scientist was happy to explain that she found a substance on Elude that resembles the core but cooled off. She showed them them the test tube that had the gemstone inside. The Scientist refers to the item as Core Onyx. Elude was less than Enthusiastic to see that the substance was originally on him but was glad that it is off now. Elude was curious thinking that the Core Onyx was activated by the heat and made all of those effects happened.

         The Scientist instructs her Android Assistant to show Elude around Hotland until they were finished with their analysis of Elude. The Android introduced herself as Mellica. Elude introduced himself and Mellica begins leading him outside The Lab. Mellica was like The Scientist but without the arm gear. However she can use her tail extremely well. There wasn't really much to show Elude as there wasn't much to be done outside of the capital. First Elude wanted to get further away from the lava which was easy as there is an elevator next to The Lab. They went to the elevator and went up to the third floor. Mellica showed him around the top floor and it was much cooler than the bottom. Down a path, Elude sees that there are more monsters around just standing and doing nothing much. Mellica showed him that there was buildings and one building that lead to The Capital via elevator as well as The Core. Elude looks around the building and seeing that it have a transit site style area as if the elevator were some kind of train. Mellica lead him pass The Elevator and into the direction of The Core.

         The Power Plant like design of The Core makes it looks amazing to Elude as he is given a tour by Mellica. Elude felt strange when seeing the white plasma like C.O.R.E. and stayed away from looking at it. Mellica gets a call from The Scientist to come back with Elude, she forgotten to put the handcuffs back on him. Mellica lead Elude to the nearest elevator and they were back at The Lab. When they got there, The Scientist was looking at her Colleagues a little distressed. Her colleague applied the handcuffs back onto Elude hesitantly. The Scientist shown the reason for her concern, they discovered that Elude has the power to Rewrite. The fragments was on him until he entered Hotland, The Scientist explained. Elude knows and he smiles at them sweetly telling them that everything will be fine this time. The cuffs doesn't allow him to use his human abilities to rewrite. The Scientist tells him that the handcuffs shouldn't allow him to rewrite anything or anyone. The Scientist pets him with one of her floating arms and continued to analyze Elude data. The Scientist asks if Mellica can take Elude to The Capital for her.

Finally, something good happened.

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