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Just a quick thing. I'm sorry about last chapter, I don't know why the chapter only came up with 'lol' but I reuploaded it for you guys. Enjoy this chapter!

"Oi hurry up! All the hot girls will be gone by the time you're finished!" Byul-yi shouted outside of Ryujin's room. Ryujin was currently fixing the sleeves of her black blazer which she wore over a white turtleneck sweater with black pants and white sneakers.

"Ok ok! I'm nearly done! Also, you shouldn't be rushing over to find the hot girls, Yongsun won't be happy about it!" Ryujin replied, quickly spraying on some more cologne and grabbing her bag.

"I'm not doing this for myself! It's to help your broken heart!"

"It's still for yourself!" Ryujin checked herself in the mirror one more time before winking at her reflection and rushing out of the room, pushing past her roommate in the process.

"Alright, let's go oldie!" The pink haired girl said to her friend, grabbing her car keys and rushing out of the door.

"Hey! I'm not that old." Byul-yi replied as she got into passenger seat.

"Sure, oldie." Ryujin replied with a smirk and drove towards the bar.

"Did you ask Wheein and Hyejin if they're coming too?"

"Nope, they're on a date again." Byul-yi replied, fake gagging at the end. Ryujin chuckled in response.

"As if you and Yongsun aren't the same. You two are basically a married couple." The two continued in a comfortable silence before turning on the radio and blasting their favourite songs. In no time, they reached the
bar and parked right by the entrance.

"Ok, let's get you some ladies, shall we?" They exited the car and strutted into the bar, immediately heading over to the drinks counter.

"You girls are here again? I feel sorry for your liver." The bartender commented.

"Yeah, nice to meet you too Jeongyeon. We'll just have two shots of vodka for now." Jeongyeon, the bartender, nodded and went to get the drinks. Meanwhile, Byul-yi was focused onto someone with wide eyes.

"Y-Yongsun?! Baby, what are you doing here?" She stuttered, staring at her girlfriend's tight black dress.

"Ryujin texted that you were here so I thought I'd come too." Yongsun responded, waving at Ryujin.

"Have the two shots for yourself, I'll be with Yongsun." Ryujin nodded in response as she watched the couple go to the dance floor.

"Here's your two vodka shots."

"Oh, thanks." She turned around and drank them immediately, wanting to get drunk as fast as possible.

"Hey, don't get too drunk or you might do something you'll regret." The bartender stated as she watched the pink haired girl down the shots of alcohol.

"I'll be fine. I have a high alcohol tolerance." Ryujin left the counter and walked to the dance floor, instantly gagging at the sight of her roommate and her girlfriend making out in the corner.

"Hello!" Ryujin turned around, started by the sudden greeting. A short blonde haired girl stood there wearing a plain white t-shirt tucked into a pair of black jeans with white sneakers and a red plastic cup in her hand. She had a giant grin plastered on her face and resembled a duck in Ryujin's opinion.

"Um hi."

"You look a bit lonely. Did you come here with anyone?"

"Yeah I did but they left me to suck faces over there." Ryujin pointed in the direction of the couple. The blonde girl followed her finger and saw the two girls making out, causing her to release a loud chuckle.

"Don't, worry I'll keep you company."

"Look, sorry but I'm not int-"

"I'm not gonna hit on you. I already have a girlfriend." The girl interrupted Ryujin while laughing. She nervously laughed and accepted the duck girl's request.

"What's your name though? I'm Shin Ryujin."

"My name? It's Yena. Choi Yena!" She held out her hand with a smile, which Ryujin instantly shook.

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