Chapter 15

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"Then who did I kill? This means that Talan and Benji have also killed people?"

"Well, yes, but they don't remember. The memories of murder tend to get buried, so much that it hurts to try to get to them. The only way to remember is to pry it open with memories that are similar or connected to them. That's why I reminded you of what you did to your father."

"Who did I kill?"

"Nobody in particular, just, y'know, one of your bodyguards." Their voice got quiet at the end.

"Oh, yeah that's absolutely fi- No it isn't! I killed someone, and got away with it! How did I kill them, I need to know!"

"Tat tat taa," they wave their finger in my face, " You have to remember that yourself. Dig deep into your memories, it shouldn't hurt much."

I close my eyes and search my mind for the memory. Do I really want to remember? I remember the stabbing again, and my head starts to hurt. There. In the back of my mind I can see a singular image. I'm standing over a dead body. I try to reach for the memory, but my head starts hurting when I get close.

"Agh! What the hell? You said it wouldn't hurt that much!" my head hurts more as I speak.

"I didn't know that would happen! That has never happened before."

"I think we should go to bed."

"Agreed, we both need rest."

I lead Al to our room, and show him his bed. We both get into our beds and I lay there for about five minutes. I can tell that Al is still awake.

"Hey Al, how did you die?"

"I was killed by a cop when I had been caught robbing a bank. I had a weapon, but wasn't holding it, and I refused to listen to them. One of them shot me. They had meant to shoot my arm and legs, but missed my arm and bang! It went through my heart. I don't think it hurt much though."

"I see."

We stay in silence for a while before I finally fall asleep. I'm not sure if Al was awake when I did, but when I woke up he was sitting up in his bed. 

"Morning, Al."

"You're awake. Good."

"We should get ready if we want to meet Benji on time."

"Eager are we?"

"Shush up!"

"I can tell that you like them, and can say that they feel the same. Three-way links are like that. You and Benji can feel my physical pain, Benji and I can feel your emotions, and you and I can tell what Benji's thinking, although you probably haven't yet realized the last part."

"Oh, I didn't know. But how do you know how Benji feels?"

"We can tell what Benji's thinking, did you not clue in?"

"Ah, right. I'm going to go get ready."


I walk to the bathroom and get ready. Does Benji really like me? We haven't even known each other for that long. What if they think they like me, but they don't. No, I shouldn't let my doubt take over. I finish getting ready and go to the living room, seeing that Al is already there.

"Let's go! We should teleport there. unless you can't, I haven't been able to check up on you since you died."

"Okay, I'm able to teleport easily." I teleport my M.I to prove my point.

"Then come on!"

He teleports away and I follow. The restaurant isn't that full this morning. People are probably still recovering from Talan's power. Benji is waiting for us at a table so we take our seats with them.

"Let's talk to Mr.Silvia once we're done eating."

"Good idea."

The waitress comes over and stares at Al.

"Alegra? How are you here?"

"Zoey! Long time no see! How have you been?"

"I'm good, but currently very confused. How are you still here? Shouldn't you be in the Underworld?"

"Yes, I should, but I'm somehow still here. Probably from my link with these two."

"Okay, well we should catch up later. What would you guys like to order?"

We order and start talking among ourselves. 

"Wait, Benji how long were you waiting?"

"Not even a minute, why?"

"Because you could've died! Next time lets just meet each other outside one of our doors."

"Oh! I completely forgot! I'm sorry for worrying you!"

"You two should just get together already. This flirting back and forth is getting y'all nowhere."

Benji and I both blush, "Alegra!" we yell.

"It's the truth, I do think that you two would make a good couple, and you both know by now how the other feels."

"Well, as much as I would love to, you just made it too awkward for both of us," Benji hides their face in their hands as they speak.

"Benji's right. Sorry Al, but you just ruined your own ship," I joke, trying to make it less awkward.

"Well, shoot. Any way, I'm done eating, so let's go."

Al drags us off before we can finish our own breakfasts. Benji gives me a smile, and my heart starts going crazy. We get to Mr. Silvia's office in one piece and Al opens the door without knocking.

"Cellie! Are you in here?"

"Is that you, Allie?" Mr.Silvia replies.

They both run at each other and embrace the other in a hug. I'm somehow not surprised that they know each other, but I though Talan told Mr.Silvia.

"Didn't Talan tell you about what happened?"

"No? I might have still been passed out. What exactly did happen?"

We each sit down and go through the events of last night. I tell Mr.Silvia about Al's relation to me and the girl that couldn't kill the demon. 

"Wow, this is a lot to take in. So you two are related, and you three share a link? That's amazing. I should also thank Talan when I get the chance. The guy needs more self worth. If that is all, I am quite busy. Several people have made appointments to ask me about yesterday. I'm sure There will be a lot of complaints too. I shall see you later."

We say goodbye and walk outside to meet up with Talan and Maddy. Talan looks very disappointed when he sees that Al is with us.

1065 words

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