4 "Looming Dream."

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He ran his fingers through the petrified girl's hair. She shook silently, not wanting to anger him.

He hummed happily, obviously not all there. The h/c haired girl let out a sob, snapping the black haired boy out of his delusion. He looked at her, eyes filled with concern.

"What's got you distraught? Is it about that boy?" He asked, his actions getting slightly more aggressive. She nodded hesitantly. The boy looked at her with pity, putting his hand on her cheek.

"I never liked the way he looked at you. You must understand, he didn't deserve to keep his eyes after that." He spoke, expecting her to be on his side. Instead, she distanced herself, looking at him with wide eyes.

"Y/n... Are you frightened of me..?"


Sunday, November 20th, 3:25 A.M.

She shot up from bed, drenched in a cold sweat. The teen took in frantic breaths. The e/c eyed girl felt like she was being choked. She had barely any memory of the dream, but the words wouldn't leave her mind.

She shivered lightly, shakily glancing at the clock. After she got home, she set up her bed and alarm clock. The moon peered through the curtains, lighting up the various boxes. The moonlight illuminated the dust in the air, giving the room a tranquil vibe. She calmed her breathing as the dream faded into obscurity in her mind.

The alarm read 3:25 A.M. With a sigh, she rested her head back into the pillow, releasing a heavy sigh. If she managed to fall asleep, she could get an extra two hours.


He sat in his bed, hunched over his phone. He winced at the bright light it emitted. His eye twitched a he read the previous texts. She hadn't bothered to look for him, did she?

Just as he'd gotten to know the girl, she was ripped away from him. He didn't know whether to be happy or angered.

Just as he put his phone down he got a message.

Robbie: wanna hang out tomorrow? We can go to your favorite donut place.

Now that, that was a promise the black haired boy simply could not pass up.

Asher: Sure! But can we discuss this in the morning?? I'm going to bed.

Robbie: Sure thing. goodnight.

And with that, he put his phone down, closing his eyes tightly. Sleep was never an easy thing for the boy, instead he used that time to catch up on his favorite TV shows. But tonight, he drifted off easily.


I awoke after a horrible night's rest, rubbing my eyes tiredly. I ran my hands through my red hair, fixing it as best as I could. When I finished with that, I leaned over and reached for my glasses.

"Robin, are you awake yet?" My mother asked, poking her head in my room. Her sudden presence scared me at first, but angered me after I calmed down.

"What do you think?" I spat, staring the woman down. She was way shorter than me, barelg coming up to my chin. She played with her greying hair anxiously as I glared at her.

"I'm sorry, I'll g-"

"I don't care. Get out." She left with a sigh, shutting the door lightly. I stood up, grabbing my phone to check the time. 8:39 A.M.

I sighed once more, walking over to my dresser to pick an outfit. I quickly grabbed my favorite hoodie, throwing it on. I chose black ripped jeans and slip on shoes that I drew on in red marker. I brushed my hair with my hands, uncaring about how it looked.

"Are you heading out now, dear?" The blonde woman asked. I simply nodded my head, grabbing my backpack and grabbing the door handle.

"I'll be back before dinner." I said plainly. She smiled at me. It was the first time in weeks I had chosen to talk to her on my own accord. She better not get used to it. After all, it was her fault my father left.

I shivered as I stepped out into the crisp air. At this point I was regretting not wearing something warmer. I ignored the cold, starting my walk to Asher's house. Soon, the yellow painted Victorian styled building came into my view.

The first time I ever came over, I was intimidated by the massive size of the house. Now, it was normal to be there about six hours a day. I never liked home that much. It was depressing. My mother worked two jobs to support us, while I did the cooking and cleaning. Asher's life was seemingly perfect. Wealthy parents, big house, no chores.

I approached the familiar worn down white door and knocked. Almost immediately, Asher swung the door open. He looked tired, sporting an oversized black hoodie and jeans. He had dark circles under his coal eyes, yet he smiled.

"Ready to get food?" I asked. He looked up at me with a big smile, nodding his head. He reminded me of a small child, it was kind of cute.

"Lets go!" He cheered, grabbing my hand and racing down the road. I struggled to keep pace with the black haired boy, tripping over rocks and twigs occasionally.

After about a minute of running that seemed more like a year, he stopped in front of the shop. I doubled over, attempting to catch my breath, while the Asher smiled brightly. Suddenly, he tapped my shoulder.

"Isn't that Y/n?" I looked to where he was pointing to see the girl I had missed dearly. Nothing had changed about her. She still had the bag I bought her. I always wondered if she still carried that thing around.

"Yeah... It is.." I said, averting my eyes from her. What would I even say to her? I though to myself.

"Y/n! Over here! Remember us?!" The boy yelled, waiving her over. I felt my heart drop as she walked over. I couldn't believe I was seeing her again. The only thing I could look at was her beautiful eyes. I blushed as she smiled at me.

"Robin!" She exclaimed happily. Asher looked at her with sad eyes, trying to guilt her into saying hi.

"Asher! I barely recognized you." She said, ruffling his black hair. He giggled, a blush coming to his face.

"D-do you wanna get a donut with us? I'll pay." I said, scratching the back of my neck. She smiled again, making my heart flutter. I always had a crush on her. I never had the chance to tell her.

"You don't have to do that." The h/c haired girl said. She was always like that. She never accepted kind offers. She told me it made her feel I uncomfortable.

"Alright then."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2020 ⏰

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