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"Have you ever heard about this thing called brush?"

"I don't brush myself. My hair is shit. I might probably end up like Hagrid, maybe a poodle if I tried"

"What a lucky bastard"

"Come on. We are gonna be late for detention"

My mornings were like this. I will always wake up at 7:30, probably decide what shirt was the one clean to use for the day and dig in into dad's experiment breakfast.

"When are you planning to go early to school?"

"Probably never?"

He rolled his eyes while chuckling at the same time. Dad was like me best friend and he usually found it hilarious the way I turn things out. He was not the strict/narrow minded/ perfectionist dad.

Once I told him school had this gathering thing of 1 hour that consisted of them talking about shit while we were standing in line he agreed on me arriving late to school. He knew I would get into detention and miss 15 minutes of class but since I was on my last year he didn't care.

Have you ever heard about kids with soft parents end up being problematic and failing all curses? Well that was not my case. I was only 4 months of finish school and I was accepted in 3 universities.

Dad was the happiest. I was the perfect kid and I was never stressed by him.

I had the calmest life.

"So, tell me about that romantic date of yesterday"

"Ugh... I don't know I couldn't see that motherfucker"

"I was expecting of you forgetting your shitty plan. You are 19 for mother sake"

"That's why I don't have much time. I can't protect my dad if I'm far away from home"

Hyunsuk hyung looked at me the same way he always did whenever I got into my overprotective mood. You see. My dad is that parent that is always being judged and ignored by the other parents whenever the school did reunions or gatherings to talk about students. That time I was expelled by getting into a fight? "that kid is just like that because of the fag of his father" "kids shouldn't be adopted by gays couples" "that's why you shouldn't raise a kid when you are not emotional stable"

School was rotten

The only friend dad had from school was Hyunsuk's mom. Same age, both singles parents and just like me,Hyunsuk wasn't a planned kid. Our parents were hormonal teenagers. That's why we are so close.

We are the oops kids.

The difference between Hyunsuk and me was the fact my father is gay and never a discreet one. To start with, he is a fashion designer and walks around the world dressing unique styles as if he was an idol. Nor too masculine nor effeminate still he was the talk of the high society tight prejudices.

That's why I had the job to take care of him. He is the softest man on earth. Any idiot could take advantage.

Stupid dad

"Then let's once again lock up our parents in your basement. I will buy her a slutty dress to change his chip or something"

We laughed. Cuz the first time we did that we were 10 and they end up being best friends. Hyunsuk's mom end up with a model contract thanks to my dad's good vision and signed her up on his company.
Poor women having to waste her live to have a Hyunsuk.

Once were free from detention, Hyunsuk's mother agreed on driving him late as well, we were lucky our parents were so chill about this.

Shout out the expired condom and Hyunsuk's mom terrible memory at taking birth control pills.

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