chapter 3

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Piper's POV

whatever Babe says i know she likes my brother but i'm definately not shipping them. chenry all the way!

"so which game are we playing?" i asked eyeing Babe

"truth or dare?" she asked

"you know we can't play that game alone babe" i groaned

"oh shut up!" she said " go call your bro then" 

"okay but three is still not enough" I SIGHED

"then who else do you want to join?" she rolled her eyes

"my friend charlotte" i smiled

"is that the black chick?" she asked

"hey! i love her colour and i'm proud of it!" i said pointing at her sternly

"no, no,no,no,no i don't mean it as an insult like that's the only way to  identify her or something" she said

"okay, welp i'm going to  call her!" i said jumping up

i rushed out of my room to where henry was having his party,  i was pushed shoved and hit just to find charlotte

"hi char!" i said finally seeing her

"oh hi pipes!" she smiled

"would you like to play truth or dare with me and babe?" i asked

"with Babe Curano? THE Babe Curano! of course yes! can i invite a friend?" she smiled

"the more the merrier!" i smiled

"hey Jewel!" she shouted

"yeah" Jewel turned back 

"truth or dare?" she asked

"i would love to but" she smiled

"oh not the buts!" charlotte rolled her eyes

"Penny said i have to stay at her eye sight" she rolled her eyes

"penny, penny, penny, what in the world did you do to her?" charlotte  asked

"i don't know" Jewel smiled "will it be okay if she played with us?" 

"yeah as pipes said the more the merrier!" charlotte squealed

"YAY!" Jewel said running off to Penny who was literally listening to their conversation what a sister

"so should i go and call henry and maybe Jasper?" i asked char

"yeah, what're you waiting for" she smiled as i rushed away

when we got to my room, Jewel, Penny and Charlotte were already there waiting for us

"woah! i thought it was only four of us?" Babe asked

"the more the merrier!" i threw her a stern look

"i'm out!" she gave up

"so let's start with introduction" i smiled

"okay" everyone chorused 

"i'll start" jewel raised her hand "my name is Jewel, i'm 10, i go to Lilicade middle school and that's all" 

"i'm next" Penny said gloomily "my name's Penny, i'm 13, i go to Lilicade middle school and  Jewel's my sister" 

she kinda moaned for the last part and rolled her eyes, yikes!

"next even though almost everyone here knows me!" Charlotte smiled " i'm Charlotte preferably called char, i'm 15, i go to Swellview middle school, i'm about to graduate, i'm the only child"

"me!" babe stood up "my name is Babe, Babe Curano, i'm 15, i make games, i'm the owner of game shakers, i think i resigned, i go to holies high New York middle school, about to graduate, i'm the only child"

"a lot of details!" Jewel whispered

"everyone knows me" Jasper said

"me too" says henry

"And i' sure i'm well known" i smile

"whatever, can the game just begin already!" Penny rolls her eyes

"Babe truth or dare"i asked

"I guess truth" she said. Okay let me not be mean.

"Who did you have a crush on in game shakers" I asked

"Ummmm...... Hudson"she said, everyone was shocked

"The dumb one" Charlotte asked raising her brows

"..... Yeah that Hudson" she said slightly embarrassed

"You have got to be kidding" I said and we all laughed

"Enough.." she said and the laughed stopped

"My turn" she said and smiled devilish

"Truth or dare" she said

"Dare " jewel said

"I dare you to kiss Jasper" she said and jewel stood up and kissed Jasper blushing

"Uhhh, someone likes Jasper" penny teased and jewel  gave her a nudge

"Ow, I deserved that" penny said and everyone laughed
We played truth or dare till we were tired

"Wanna watch a movie or something" I asked and everyone nodded in response

"Movie time" I said and lead the way as everyone followed me with a creepy smile on their faces

Hey guys it me Ariana 😂, thanks for reading this chapter and thanks to my bestie @jewelimieye for helping me and CherishKome , thanks for reading

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